𝙃𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙤𝙧'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑:

I was walking in the gallery of Saint Basil's Cathedral along with Hugo. The floral-pattern in the wall and ceiling seemed colorless to me even though it was brightly colored. Ever since Natasha died, the whole world looks colorless to me. 

Last time I came here with Natasha. I still remember that day like yesterday. She was wearing a beautiful pink dress and her curly blonde hair gave her a look like a stuffed Barbie. 

' Hec, I can already visualize us getting married in this chapel!' she said. Those words are still echoing in my ears. 

I can never get over her. No matter how many escorts I fuck, I can never get over Natasha! The most beautiful memories I had with her have become painful now. I felt like someone had ripped my heart away from me. 

" Are you okay there?" Hugo asked me.

I was just silent. No one can understand the pain that I am going through. And I'm not interested in opening up to someone about this.

" Listen, brother. I know you are going through a lot. But you have to put your emotions aside and work."

" I have only one goal in my life now. I want to kill Liam Eaton and his escort Hannah."

We both reached the southern Chapel of St. Nicholas Velikoretsky. I stopped to look at the mural of the Christ which was gleaming gold by radiating the lights of the chandelier. 

" Hector, you know it's not Hannah's fault. We need her alive and I would advise you to control your emotions," he said.

" So? Are you taking her side?" I asked in resentment.

"No. I'm not a fan of that stubborn man-eater either. But you know about the assets right?"

I turned over to him in anger. " Yes, I know about that and it doesn't make a fucking difference in my life. Money doesn't matter anymore. I need revenge!"

" You just don't understand the situation, do you? If we get Hannah alive to our side, then it's checkmate for Liam."

I so wanted to punch him right now. But I can't do that in this Holy place. I should have not bought him here. I could have taken him somewhere where I could kick his ass and get away with it. 

" I'm listening to you, Hugo. Tell me what difference it makes if that slut is in our side?" 

" Your assets include a lot of valuable things like a private island in the tropics. It also includes many acres of farmlands in Mexico."

" So what?" 

" All of your assets are frozen right now. But your farmlands in Mexico are still being used illegally by drug manufacturers to cultivate weed. And guess who is doing that? It is none other than Liam's Mexican allies."

I was perplexed by this sudden revelation." So all the drugs that Liam sells in Hollywood are actually cultivated illegally in my land?" 

" Exactly! You got it right. Manufacturers always cultivate weed in withdrawn farmlands to avoid legal actions against DEA. This is their strategy! Since these lands belong to you and Hannah equally, you both need to be on the same side to reclaim your possession."

" I understand your point. If we seize back our farmlands then Liam will be left with no allies. He won't have any manufacturers to supply him with the products. Then we will establish our drug empire in Hollywood! "

" That's the spirit. Looks like my ambitious brother is back!"

Even I was surprised with my sudden optimism. When it comes to destroying your mortal enemy, you automatically get the adrenaline. Vengeance is sweet! 

" But why didn't our father claim back the land?"

" Because his hands are tied. It's your mother's property and even if he wanted to seize them he can't do it legally. And he came to know about this only last year."

" What?" I shrieked. " He had no idea about the intrusion? Was he living under a rock? Why is he being a philanthropist who gives away lands for free?"

He hesitated for a moment before talking. " I have the same question. But our father is not ready to answer about that. Whenever I take your mother's topic, he just stiffens like ice. His body language completely changes. I feel like he is hiding something about her."

Even I too have felt that so many times in the past. On my sixteenth birthday, I asked him about my mother. His casual expression got serious. " Is it possible to find out about my mother?" 

" Well, if we get your mother's will in our hands we can probably find out. But for that, you should come to Alaska!"

Maybe it's time to leave Moscow. One of the reasons I stayed here was because of Natasha. I made a lot of memories with her in this place. I felt like being here would indicate her presence to me. 

But it's time for revenge! If I'm too dissolved in my emotions then I can never avenge her death. 

" Okay, I'll come to Alaska. But one only one condition.

" What is it?" he asked me.

" I won't spare Hannah. She has to suffer for what she did. "

" Okay, we will see about that. After our work is done, it will be your choice to deal with her. My father definitely won't stand in your way because he hates Hannah."

Perfect! I'm going to torture that bitch in every way possible.


I was waiting outside Znakomstvo's lounge. He was enjoying with two girls. I could hear the crazy noises from inside. I have never seen Znakomstvo without a mask but I think he must be a very handsome man.

The door opened and two golden blonde girls came outside with messy hair and crinkled clothes. 

I went inside his lounge in the hopes of seeing his face. But even though he was shirtless, he was still wearing a face mask. Damn!

" What is the matter, Znakomstvo?" I asked him.

" Liam Eaton is winning!" he said.

" How could that be possible?"

" I just now got a call from Craig MaCadie. He said that ten of their dealers are missing. And we have no damn clue if they are alive or dead. Because we are not able to find their bodies. "

What? How Liam did manage to pull off this? Just when I thought that I could beat my mortal enemy easily, he gains more leverage!