𝙃𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙖𝙝'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑:

The wedding pressure was increasing day by day. I lost almost six pounds in a week due to the stress. My bridesmaid Cece isn't being very helpful. The worst part is, I can't even replace her with someone else. She is the only female friend I have in this world.

" Cece, Where are you?" I yelled.

" What is wrong now?" 

" I need to taste the samples of white chocolate truffle cake."

" But you did it just yesterday! Why do you want to do the same thing over and over again? Are you going insane?"

" For God's sake, Cece. You are my bridesmaid and you should be assisting me right now. I want everything to be perfect on my wedding day. I'm having second thoughts about the cake and I need to check on that again." 

Cece frowned at me. " Stop being a drama queen. Everything is fine,"

I couldn't control my emotions when she yelled at me. I crouched down on the floor and started crying. Cece heard me sobbing and she came running to me. 

 " Hannah are you crazy? Stop crying," she said and wrapped her arm on my shoulder to comfort me. "I was just kidding before. I'll make sure that you taste the cake samples again." She handed me some tissues. 

" It's a lot of work, Cece. I can't do it," I blurted out as I dabbed my eyes with the paper towel.

" I'm with you, Hannah. I'll make sure that you have the perfect wedding of your dreams."

" What about the flowers?" 

" I have ordered the bubble-gum pink Hydrangea as per your instructions."

" No, I changed my mind again. I want them in white. "

Her eyes blazed up like a burning fire. " Hannah," she screamed. " You are driving me crazy. Why are you having second thoughts about everything? Do you have second thoughts about marrying Liam too? 

I felt like she punched me in the gut. I'm in love with Liam and she knows it. " How dare you say that I'm having second thoughts about Liam?"

" Yea, I think you have changed your mind about Liam. That's why you are taking out your frustration by modifying little things like flowers and cake."

Why is she being so mean? Then I realized the actual reason for her behavior.

" I know why you are being a bitch, Cece. You are just jealous of me. You always considered yourself superior to me. Now you are just jealous because I'm marrying the most eligible bachelor."

Cece fell on the floor and started laughing hysterically. I was appalled to see her like this. " You fucking bitch," she said. " I have been protecting you ever since you ran away from your brother. I sometimes didn't see you as a friend. I took care of you like my younger sister. And now you say that I'm jealous of you?"

Now it was my turn to laugh. " What? You are my sister? And you protected me? You got money from Hector to take care of me, didn't you? Now Liam is paying you. I have never seen anyone greedier than you in my life. You love money more than anybody or anything. "

" Really? You call me greedy? You should take a look at your fiance. He is the most money-minded person you will ever meet."

That was it. I slapped right on her face. She looked dazed for a second as she didn't expect this from me. " Call me names, I'll take it. If you insult Liam, I won't be quiet."

" You bitch made a big mistake," she said and pushed me down to the floor. I fell face flat on the carpet. She crouched beside me and pinned me down to the floor by placing her knee on my back which prevented me from moving. Her other hand was pulling my hair. 

" Cece, you are hurting me," I cried out.

" You should have known that before you slapped me, bitch. From next time, pick on someone small like you. Now apologize for what you did. I'm not going to leave you until that."

" What on earth are you two doing?" said someone whose voice I couldn't recognize. Cece released me immediately. I got up from the floor feeling humiliated. It was Elaine. I was excited as well as embarrassed to see her.

I glanced at Cece furiously. " Are you happy now? You humiliated me in front of my idol."

" Don't blame me, Hannah. You slapped me first." 

" And you insulted my fiance because you are jealous."

" Stop it, girls," Elaine yelled. " I know planning a wedding is a lot of stress. Sometimes the bride and bridesmaid end up arguing with each other. That doesn't mean that you both have to engage in a physical fight like high school mean girls."

" But, she started it," I said.

" It doesn't matter. I'm stopping it. Now both of you apologize to each other. Bridesmaid, you go first."

Cece sighed and turned to me." Okay, let's get this done," she said and stepped a little closer to me.

" Hannah, I'm sorry for pinning you down on the floor. I did it out of anger. I always saw you as my little sister and I'll continue to do that no matter what you say. And I'm sorry that I insulted your fiance."

" That was good. Now Hannah, apologize to your friend."

" Cece, I know that you care about me a lot. But I was so stressed out and I took it on you. I'm sorry. "

" That wasn't so hard, was it? " Elaine asked. 

I admired her spirit. She stopped the fight and made us apologize within just two minutes. She must have a superpower. " How did you do it?" I asked her.

" Trust me, girls. I have stopped so many bridal wars before."

" So it is pretty common that brides and bridesmaids fight while planning the wedding?" Cece asked curiously.

" Yea, it's more common than you think," Elaine replied. " Now Hannah, try on the wedding dress which I have designed precisely for you. I'm not going to lie, it was a challenge for me to find the style which suits you. I'm pretty sure that even after the wedding, your dress will be still trending in number one on all social media."


I couldn't believe my eyes as I looked in the mirror. I looked like a princess. The dress showed off every curve in my body. It was a perfect blend of hot and cute. 

Suddenly, Liam entered the room. His jaw dropped in awe as he looked at me. 

" You look so beautiful," he gasped.