Liam's POV:

I was sleeping peacefully in between two girls. But the damn red lights woke me up. Who the fuck has the balls to wake me up like this? It must be Ricky. Who else could it be? 

That son of bitch! He is finding new ways to annoy me. Why can't he just let me live in peace? 

I got down from my bed and walked to the door. " Sugarplum, wear your pants," yelled Roxy. 

Fuck! How could I be this forgetful? I put on my clothes and went out of my room. I don't remember the last time when I left the room. Maybe I have been staying here for too long.

The maid was nervously standing outside. " Mr. Eaton, please come down to the basement conference hall. All the elite circle members are waiting for you."

" What?" I shouted. 

If all the elite members are gathered together it can mean only one thing. " Is this an intervention?"

She glanced at me anxiously. " I don't know much details about it. And I am not involved in this," she said.