Hannah's POV:

I successfully managed to steal a maid's uniform from the kitchen pantry. I am glad that I found a suit in my size. But my happiness drifted away when I noticed that there were no first two buttons on the suit. Now I know why someone threw this thing in the pantry. 

The situation is just getting worse. My cleavage is showing off, and the last thing I want right now is people staring at me. I stepped out of the Manor and started walking in the garden. I had no idea where the exit was. This place is like a maze. 

" Dove pensi di andare?" yelled a woman from behind me. (Where do you think you're going?).

It took me a while to realize that she was actually yelling at me. I almost forgot that I am in a maid's outfit now. 

"Mi dispiace," I replied nervously. (I am sorry). 

I tried hard to fake an Italian accent. If she asks me any more questions, I would l be busted.