Noah's POV:

I anxiously walked inside my grandfather's suite room. I hope he is not in a bad mood. He was, as usual, reading his book. 

I don't understand this man. We are in a different part of the globe right now, and he still keeps on reading his same old books. Seriously, how many times is he going to keep on reading the same books? Why doesn't he do other things?

I sat down on the couch facing him. "Grandpa, Patterson has allied with Eaton," I said quietly.

He finally looked up to me. "I already know about that, Noah. Carlo called and told me about it two hours ago, and what the hell were you doing? Why did you switch off your phone?"

"I am sorry, grandpa, I was busy eliminating the traitor who was responsible for the situation," I said.

" Who was even the traitor?" he raised a question.