Matthew's POV: 

I was on a call with Sophie. She was pretty sad about my current situation. I don't understand why she is sorry for me. Now I get to roam around the city more independently as I am on sabbatical. 

I don't have to worry about nine to five or about that old man Thomas. I tried explaining this to her, but Sophie thinks that I am saying this only to convince her.

" Maybe if you apologize to your boss, he might give you your job back," Sophie said. 

I grunted. " I am not apologizing to that old man because I was not wrong."

" Mat, please understand the seriousness. You can't investigate a case when you are on sabbatical. You could get fired for it. It is a federal crime." 

" I am sorry, darling. I don't play by rules. And I have to go now. I love you, honey. See you later," I said and hung up the line.