Liam's POV: 

I can't believe that my child is no more. I had these perfect dreams in my head in which I spent the rest of my life happily with my child and wife. I was very excited to have a proper family! But my child is dead! Things can never be the same again. 

I glared at Hannah. Why didn't she tell me about this before? It's like she was hiding this news from me on purpose! 

I stormed out of the warehouse immediately. I can't stay here a little longer than this. Or else I will go insane. Whenever I think that my life is going well, something like this happens and fucks my mind. 

I went outside of the warehouse, and I stood on the street. I took out my cigarette and started to smoke. I am not much of a smoker, but I smoke whenever I am stressed out. And this is one of those times!