Liam's POV: 

Sometimes I feel like Hannah doesn't love me at all. She just torments me with her lunatic behavior. This is one of those times. What is she doing here with Cece and Matthew? And Hannah was comforting Cece instead of firing bullets on her?

Whatever! I can't put up with a lunatic like her anymore. I was about to get on the elevator, but Hannah stood in front of me and blocked my way. 

" Hannah, get the fuck out of here," I screamed at her. " You can go and continue your creepy foreplay with both of them."

What she did next wholly shook me to my core. She wrapped her arms around me and pecked my cheek plenty of times. I can't help but give in to her sweetness. 

" I know that you are a jerk, Liam. But I will never give up on you! I will always keep on loving you no matter what," Hannah said.