Liam's POV: 

At first, Chris seemed to be intimidated by me. He raised his hands and acknowledged the defeat. But through my peripheral vision, I was able to see his hands trying to get hold of the broken pipe which was on the window pane. 

I immediately clenched my fists tight and whacked his jaw in one blow. He let out a shrill cry. I felt grateful that I still had the strength in my body even though I didn't eat anything for a day. I punched his face multiple times until I saw blood flowing out of his nose and mouth.

I felt slightly bad for hitting my own brother, but he did far worse things to me. But I eventually stopped beating him after I realized that he was actually under the drugs. I clutched his collar and dragged him out of the bathroom.

I cuffed his hands with the same iron chains which he used previously to cuff me. " Now tell me, Chris. How many people are out there?"