Matthew's POV: 

Our Interpol team landed in Moscow in the early morning. I have heard that it gets very cold in the city during the night. We were fortunate enough to arrive here in the morning.

As soon as we landed at the airport, we were greeted by the Russian NCB team. These Russians are tough like nails. They gave me no time to take a rest! 

We were all taken in the vans directly to carry on with our mission. So this is it! We are going to capture the tremendous Russian don who haunted the underworld for a year!

I still had a hard time believing that Chris Eaton is Znakomstvo. How in the galaxy is that even possible? Anyway, I am going to get my answers soon. 

I didn't protest this time when Sophie said that she is going to accompany us to the mission site. Because we are clearly the winning side here. Daria Ivanova has no idea that we are on the way to their residency.