Hannah's POV: 

The noise of seagulls screeching disturbed my deep slumber. I immediately opened my eyes and noticed a strong arm wrapping my body. I rolled over to my side and saw the man of my dreams. I locked my gaze with his bright blue eyes. 

I saw these eyes in my dreams every day while I was trapped in prison. My biggest fear was that I would never see them again in my life. But my wish is fulfilled! I am with him again. 

"Did you sleep well, sweetie?" he asked me.

I just smiled back at him and replied, "Yes, I did—"

I moved a little closer to him and wrapped my arm around his neck. I buried my face on his bare chest and gave him a peck there. "I hope that we both can stay like this forever—"

"Of course, sweetheart! No one can separate us anymore. We are free from all the monsters."

"Really? Where are we now?"

"In your island—"