
"Milady, I'm sorry but you can't disturb the Master." The maid tried to stop me by grabbing my right arm.

I stopped on my track and stared at her hands. She must have realized what she just did so she immediately pulled away.

"I'm sorry, Milady." She said bowing her head.

"It's okay." I replied. I started walking towards my Grandpa's office once again.

"Milady! I'm really sorry but the Master says not to bother him." She went in front of me, making me stop.

I breathe deeply. I'm not in a good mood today. Just barely talking with her triggers my ire.

I looked directly at her eyes. "Move."

"But, Milady—"

I shove her away from my path and forced my way towards the Master's Office.

I didn't bother to knock. I just opened the door instantly.

I saw Grandpa signing some papers. He looked up to me before handing down his pen, "What brings you here, Sweetheart?"

"Milady—" the maid suddenly appeared. Grandpa motioned her to leave. She nodded before leaving us.

"Where's the twin?" I seriously asked.

His attention returned to me. "Hm? What do you mean?"

"Stop acting innocent, Pops. They're not in the Hemlock Villa."

He laid his back on the backrest of his chair. "What exactly do you mean, Azalea?"

I clenched my teeth. "Where did you sent the twins?"

He laughed softly. "I knew I can't keep things from you."

I remained silent.

"You know that Flavio's not here, right?"


"They're in the capital city. I sent them both to handle the Hemlock Bar in his place."

I frowned. "You what?!" I can't believe what I just heard. "You sent a minors to handle a friggin' bar?!"

"What's wrong about that? They'll be on their legal age after this day. They need to be familiarized with the bar's ambiance." He replied nonchalantly.

I scoffed. "I can't believe this."

I immediately walked towards the door to leave.

"Where are you going?"

I halted. "Gotta fetch some 'kids' from a friggin' bar." I continued walking. I walked past the maid who remained her gaze low on the ground.

I immediately entered my car after leaving the Master's Manor.

I drove towards the Hemlock Bar. This bar is supposed to be under the care of my cousin, Flavio. But unfortunately, he's outside the country for personal businesses.

I know there should be someone from our family to handle this bar while he's out. But seriously? He sent a minors?

I drove as fast as I could. The supposedly 30 minutes ride turns into a 15 minutes ride.

I parked my car in front of the bar. I can hear loud noises coming from inside.

I heave a sigh. I hate crowds.

I just disregarded that thought and entered this hellhole. The bouncers recognized me so I have no trouble entering.

I almost covered my ears seconds after I entered the door. What's up with this place?!

I roamed my eyes around while still covering my ears. There's a bunch of people gathered around the pole. They seem to be having fun while watching the pole dancers.

I avoided the mob area and went towards the track of the bar's second floor. The watching area. The glass is tinted but I know they're in there.

I walked my strides towards the second floor. There are other bouncers who are guarding the stairs. They bowed their heads to me as a sign of recognition and respect.

As soon as I got to the second floor, I saw three different rooms. I went here a couple of times in the past so I know which room is which. I walked my way towards the first room and pushed the door open.

I saw the twins busy holding their phones with earbuds on their ears. In front of them is a transparent glass wherein you can see the whole thing of the bar. It's tinted outside, but it looks transparent inside. They don't have any idea that I'm here.

I walk towards them and tapped their shoulders.

They got surprised. They didn't expect my appearance here at the bar. Shock is evident on their faces.

"Azalea!" They both stood up from their seats and jumped to hug me.

I laughed. "Hey, what's up?"

"Oh my gosh! You're here!" Alexandra squealed and hugs me again.

"When did you came back?" Alexandre removed his earbuds and puts down his phone to give all his attention to me.

"Just this morning. I went to the villa to visit you two, only to know that Pops sent you here to monitor the bar." I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah! What a meanie! Sending minors to a bar for business?! Can you believe that?!" Alexandra pouted.

"Can't he wait for tomorrow to come? As of today, we're still 17." Alexandre massaged the bridge of his nose.

"I know. Good thing it's allowed for minors who are turning into their legal age a day before their actual birthday to enter a bar." I'm actually relieved that Pops sent them here at a valid time.

"Come on now, you two. Let's go home."

"But how about the bar? Grandpa sent us here, what if he gets mad?" Alexandra looked problematic.

"Then let him coax himself," I said nonchalantly. I fetch their bags and threw it to them, I walked out of the room first.

I went to the third room which is the security room to see if Flavio's right hand is there. The manager of this bar. It's impossible that Flavio, a very systematic guy, left this bar without someone monitoring it.

I opened the door and the first thing I saw was a bunch of computers. Four men are staring into the screen making sure to check every scene around the corners of the bar to avoid casualties. They sensed my presence so they looked towards my direction.

"Miss Azalea." They greeted me with a smile on their faces.

I smiled and nodded as a response. I checked their faces before leaving.

I can clearly remember the face of this bar's Manager. And he's not one of these four men.

There's only one room left. No one can enter this room except me, Flavio, and his bar's manager.

I hold on to the room's doorknob, ready to twist it open. But before I could even do it. I halted immediately.

I can hear some vague noises inside. If my speculation is right, there's more than one person inside the room.

I furrowed my brows. Something's not right here.

Who might this other person be? The bouncers never let anyone on the second floor aside from crucial people. And the manager doesn't also let anyone in to this room no matter how important they are because this is Flavio's personal space. If we have visitors, then they should be inside the watch room together with the twins.

As the seconds go by, the noises are becoming clearer and clearer.

My jaw dropped when an idea popped out of my head. I gritted my teeth. I hope my idea about this is wrong.

I slowly twisted the doorknob but it's locked.

"Hey, Azalea!" Alexandra appeared from my left. I shushed her up.

"Why?" She whispered.

"What's happening?" Alexandre asked after seeing us. I'm still holding the doorknob and subtly trying to open it up.

"Be quiet, you two."

I removed one of my bobby pins. I formed it into shape and inserted it into the doorknob's keyhole.

After a few tries, the door clicked open. The noises are still in there. The people inside don't seem to notice our presence.

"Have you seen the people who entered this room?" I asked the twin since they were here before me.

They shook their heads. "We're just inside the watch room ever since we got here," Alexandre replied.

I just nodded before making them step back. I breathe before twisting the doorknob and pushed the door open.

My eyes widened after seeing the scene inside this room. The people inside were surprised too.

I knew it! My intuition never fails me.

"Hey, Azalea! What's—"

Before the twins could even take a peek, I shoved them away from the door and closed it.

"Listen you two. You go first. Here's my key, open my car and wait for me there." I gave them my car key and pushed them away.

They seemed confused about my actions but still do as I say.

Once they are out of my sight, I instantly returned in front of the room and slammed the door open.

I saw the girl putting back her blouse and a guy is sitting comfortably on Flavio's seat.

No trace of this bar's manager.

"Who are you guys?" I made sure that I wore my authentic intimidating face.

"Oh, hi Miss Intruder! I'm glad to see such a beauty here, but I wished you've intruded in a different time. Where I don't have any 'business'."

I raised my eyebrow. "Pardon? Me? Intruder?"

"Yes." He said with mightiness.

I sneered. "Do you even know who you are talking to?" I remained my composure.

"No. Who are you anyway? How did you get past the bouncers? Did you seduced them?" He smirked.

I blankly stared at him. "Tell me your name, philandering city guy."

"What did you just call me?" He furrowed his brows.

I ignored him after I noticed that the girl beside him is starting to feel uncomfortable. She's trying to look for the right time to leave.

I just noticed that she was wearing this bar's uniform.

"Hey, lady," I called her.

"Y-Yes, Milady?" She lowered her gaze on the ground. She's avoiding my stare.

"You know who I am?"

"Yes, Milady."

I turned my gaze towards the guy. "Then tell this punk who he is talking to."

The girl nodded before facing the guy beside her. "She's our Milady. The real owner of this bar. She just let Sir Flavio took over while she's gone." She mumbles but enough for us to hear.

"What?" The guy just laughs.

I just let him be. I waited for him to finish.

"Done laughing your ass out?" I asked and he nodded. He faked to wipe a tear on his eye while still laughing a little. "Now leave." I directed.

"Nice joke you guys." He chuckled.

"I've been best buddies with Flavio for almost five years now but I never heard him tell such a story." He said and laughed once again.

"Uhh... Sir Zeke..." The girl seems to be so bothered by the situation now.

"I'm sorry. You guys are just so funny, I can't help it. Nice scheme tho." He said while still snickering.

I just crossed my arms on my chest and waited for this tiny-brained species to finish his thing.

"Lass, you know you're not allowed to enter this room right?" I set my fierce gaze towards the lady. She should know. She works here, she must know the rules.

"I'm sorry, Milady..." She bowed her head.

"Not only you did break the rules. But you did some shameful act also. You know what I mean."

"I'm really sorry, Milady." She bowed her head lower.

"I will not tolerate this act. You're fired. " I mean it.

"What?! But, Milady—" She raised her head with shock on her face.

"As for you, simp. Leave this place now before I pulverize your non-existent brain." I disregarded the girl and faced this problematic guy.

My words seem to be arrows shot in his ego. He stood up from his seat, his smirk is gone. Gone the playful energy.

"You know, you're pretty. But your tongue is quite sharp for your face." He walked towards me and stopped a one step distance. "What if I dull it out with mine? What do you think?" His smirk returned.

"No thanks. I might cut yours." I said with a blank stare.

His smirk widens and took a step closer. Now I can feel his breath on my face.

"I'd like to see you try."

I raised my eyebrow before sneering. "Such audacity." I returned my serious face before staring at his eyes.

"I don't like repeating my words, Mister. Leave this place now." I can feel the last thread of my patience rending.

This isn't my day.

He was supposed to answer me but my phone rang. I looked to see who's calling me and saw Flavio's name.

I answered the call. "Hello."

"Hey, Az. You in the bar?"

"Yeah. In your office."

"The twins told me so."

"You. I just saw something horrible here. How will you explain this to me?" I made sure that my voice reflects on what I really feel.

"You sounded so disgusted. But I think know what you've seen." He chuckled.

"Yeah. So explain everything to me now. Who's this disgusting guy with disgusting attitude." I made sure that this guy in front of me hears everything I say.

"Wow. I feel so attacked." He scoffed.

I just disregarded him. I waited for Flavio to answer.

"Sorry, Az. That's Zeke, he's my friend. I allowed him to use my office and do everything he wanted with it while I'm away in exchange of handling the bar in my stead."

"Yeah? And you didn't tell me about this? What a bastard. Where's your manager anyways? Isn't he supposed to monitor the bar when you're out?" I felt irritated. This is 'my' business, how can he decide on his own.

"I'm sorry okay? I just let him take over for a few days. I have urgent things to do outside the country. And also, Nick's here with me so I have no choice. But I assure you, he's a good businessman. You don't need to worry."

"That's not the point here, Flavio. Let's talk after you come back." I used my serious voice to warn him over this matter and hanged up. I didn't like his resort to this situation.

I faced the guy which Flavio called Zeke in front of me. "Leave this place now. Make sure to bring all your things with you. Leave no trace behind."

I shifted my gaze towards the girl. "And you. Get your last salary to Flavio."

I turned my back and left the bar. I walked towards the parking area and saw the twins inside my car.

"Hey, wait!"

Before I could even reach the car, someone grabbed me by my arm.

I threw my fist in the air as a call for my instinct. My fist landed on the face of the person who stopped me.


I was surprised to see the same guy on the second floor. "The fuck is wrong with you?" He asked while glaring at me.

"Sorry. Your fault." I shrugged.

"Geez!" He massaged his face.

"What do you want?"

He let go of his face, "Give that girl's job back."

"No." I immediately turned my back.

"Hey! Wait up! Listen!" He gripped my arm once again.

This time I intentionally threw my fist in the air. He was quick to cover his face and blocked my punch.

"Don't touch me." I drawled.

"What's up with you?! Why do you keep on attacking me?!" He shouted.

"And don't shout."

"Goodness!" He looked so exhausted talking to me. "Listen okay? I know I've just met you and I don't want to judge you for firing that girl from her job, because we know what we did back there is also unprofessional and literally not decent. We admit it."

I tilted my head on the side. "Glad you know."

He sigh. "But look. It's my fault. I asked her to come with me to the office. It's not her fault, it's on me."

"As what you have said, what you did back there is quite indecent and very unprofessional. She should've thought of that before doing something so scandalous on her working place. And you should have thought about that too." I shook my head. "That's if the both of you really does have a brain. But it seems like you don't." I turned my back once again and walked towards my car.

"How can you insult someone you've just met like that? I can't with you." He seriously asked. "If you want me to leave. I'll leave. But please give that girl's job back."

I stopped on my track and faced him. "Are you the boss?"


"Then shut your pie-hole." I rolled my eyes and opened my car's door.

The twins just looked at me questioningly. I just ignored them. They're out of this.

I started the engine and drove as fast as I could without breaking the speed limit.

"Hey, Azalea. What's with you and that guy?" Alexandra asked while her gaze is still at the back, staring at the diminishing image of that Zeke guy.

"Nothing." I said without turning my gaze to her.

"Then why is he like that? What happened inside?" Alexandre asked.

I just heave a sigh. "You know? There's never a peaceful moment whenever I'm with the both of you. Shut your pie-holes even just for a minute." I shook my head and focused on my driving.

"Hey, Azalea?—" Alexandra attempted to talk.

"What? It hasn't been half a minute since I've told you guys to be quiet." I scoffed.

"Where are we going?" It's Alexandre this time.

"To the villa."

"We aren't going to visit Grandpa on his Manor?"

"No. What for?" I asked.

"Dunno. I just asked." Alexandra shrugged her shoulders.

I didn't reply. Once I did, this conversation would never end.

They've got silent for about two minutes when Alexandra started talking again. I just let her be. She kept on blabbing stories about her school experiences. I just remained my focus on driving.

"Hey, Azalea."



"Earth to Azalea!" I can hear her but I chose to ignore her. My head's aching because of her voice.


"What?! What do you want?" I howled.

"Nothing, hehe."

I breathe deeply. Patience. Patience, Azalea.

I missed them, I really do. But whenever I'm with them already, I can't help but ask, 'Why did I missed them again?'

"It's been five years since we've seen you in actual person, Azalea. We missed you." Alexandra pouted.

They're both in the back seat so I can only take a peek at the back using the rearview mirror.

"It's been five years also since you've attended our birthday in the actual event." I can see a subtle smile plastered on Alexandre's face. I can't help but smile also. They're so cute. I can't believe they're turning 18 tomorrow.

"Tomorrow would be a big day. Why would I dare to miss it?" I smiled and winked at them.

Their smiles grew wider after hearing my words. I never missed any of their birthdays. But in the last five years, I can only attend their birthdays via phone. Through online video calls, I greet them.

"Hey, Azalea," Alexandre called.

"Yeah?" I asked without looking.

"I think there's someone following us."

"What?" I looked at my car's side mirrors and saw a black car approaching us from the back. My forehead creased.

I drove faster until I reached our private road's arc. This road is going towards the Master's Manor. This is part of our private property.

"Hey, I thought we aren't going to visit Granpa?" Alexandra asked, baffled.

I ignored her. It looks like this car really is following us. There's a sign on this road's arc that indicates this road to be part of the Hemlock Clan's property.

I drove faster until I saw the manor's guardhouse. The guards recognized my car so they instantly raised the boom barrier.

I parked my car just outside the manor and went outside. I looked back to see if the car stopped midway.

Instead of being relieved, I was surprised to see that the guards let the car inside the manor's premises.

"What the fuck?!" I mumbled.

The car stopped just behind my car. I waited for the driver to come out of his car.

I just stared intently at its tinted windows. Expecting to see the face of the owner.

The car's door opened. I was shocked when the door raised vertically. But what surprised me more is the owner of that car.
