Chapter 3

I woke up because of a loud thud outside my room.

I sat on my bed and listened to the commotion outside my door. I can hear some vague murmurings and subtle footsteps.

I raised my eyebrow before tying my hair into a bun. I walked towards my door and opened it without any second thoughts.

I saw the twins froze on their position.

"What do you guys think you're doing outside my room?" I stared at them blankly.

They've got their backs faced on me while their foots are stopped mid air, ready to take a stride.

They slowly faced me and they both laughed nervously. "Uh..." Alexandre attempted to talk and elbowed Alexandra for back up.

"Ah! We just took a peek if you're still asleep hehe." Alexandra beamed widely at me.

"Why would you check if I'm still asleep at this hour?" It's approximately six in the morning if I may say. They both stayed silent and subtly shook their shoulders.

"And why are you both wearing such fancy clothes?" I can tell that something smells really fishy here.

"Uhm... " They both looked at each other. "We will, uh, hang out with our friends." Alexandre forced a smile.

"Oh..." I nodded. "So, you guys goin' on the same destination?"

"Yep!/Yeah." They answered in unison.

I creased my forehead. "But you guys never had the same circle of friends."

They seemed surprised about my retort. "Ah! No!" Alexandra gulped. "We're going on the same place but we aren't going to hang out together. That's what we meant." She chuckled nervously.

"Oh, I see."

I saw them sigh as if in relief. They're acting really weird. Now, I can really tell that they're hiding something from me but I chose to just ignored it.

"Adieu, then. Au revoir."  I said and was about to close my door when I saw something.

They turned their backs at me and was about to walk away but I immediately called them.

"Wait." They stopped on their tracks once again.

I went in front of them. They froze. I can see how tensed up their body is.

"Y-yeah? What is it, Azie?" Alexandra beams at me.

"What's that?" I stared at the piece of paper on their hands

They immediately put their hands behind their backs.

"What?" They asked innocently. "Are you seeing something that we couldn't see?"

I gazed at them seriously. "Are you trying make a fool out of me?"

"N-no..." They drawled while slowly shaking their heads.

"What's that thing on your hands?" I asked, my eyes set on their hidden hands.

I tried to peek behind their backs but they avoided me.

"It's nothing!" Alexandra took a few step backwards.

I rolled my eyes. "You two." I paused. "You're gonna tell me what that thing is or I'm gonna make you swallow that whole goddamn thing?" I threatened them.

They just stared at me. Waiting for me to take back my words and say that I'm just kidding. They're expecting to see a glimpse of jest acts in contrast to my words.

"And I'm not even joking." I added. By this time, they already knew that I would definitely do it. I stand for my words.

"You aren't?" Alexandre asked.

"Nope. Nuh-uh. I'm serious." I looked at them directly on the eyes.

They both awkwardly laugh. "Haha... We're in trouble." I heard Alexandra whispered to Alexandre.

They handed me the pieces of papers on their hands.

"Tickets?" I asked. I saw a very suspicious logo printed on the tickets.

I glared at them. "What's this for?"

They averted their gazes at me. They just stood there in silence. No one is answering me.

"You ain't gonna answer me?" I showed them my hands, ready to tear the tickets into pieces.

"Huwaa! No!"

"Az, stop!"

They both reached for my hands but I was fast to elude their hands.

"Now. Answer me. What's this tickets for?" I glared fiercely at them. I made sure that my glare terrifies the shit out of them.

They lowered their heads down. Both of them remained their gazes on the ground.

"That..." Alexandra threw some short gazes at me before continuing. "Those tickets were given to us by Grandpa and that guy we've met from the bar."

My eyebrow instinctively raised on their own. "By whom?" I asked, wanting them to repeat the names that I've heard.

"Grandpa and the bar guy." They both said in chorus.

"And these tickets are passes to where?"

The twins looked at each other. They're being hesitant to answer me.

"Uh..." Alexandre was the first one to make an attempt to answer. "That ticket...." He looked at Alexandra, seeking for help, but Alexandra just innocently puckered her lips out and averted her gaze from him.

"What?" I asked in impatience.

"That's...a beach bar resort's pass...." His voice weakens at his last retort.

"I don't think I heard that right, Xandre." I held my chin high and looked at him in a patronizing way.

"I want you to repeat that, Xandre. Clearly and slowly." I drawled.

They became more tensed. They avoided my gaze and stayed silent.

I can feel the last thread of my patience rending.

Is this how my morning is going to start? I can't believe this.

"I'm waiting." I said, warning them.

Our conversation was cut off after we heard Nanny Elsa's voice calling out the twin's names.

"Your luggages are already inside the car! Come down now so you both can leave early."

My eyes squinted upon hearing Nanny Elsa's words.

I faced the twins. "Luggages?"

I saw them gulp before throwing glances at each other.

I breathe deeply before speaking. "Both of you." I glared at them as I call their attention. "Come with me downstairs. Now." I ordered.

We went downstairs and sat on the sofa. I sat on the single seater sofa in front of the two. I crossed my legs and laid my back on the sofa's backrest.

"Look. I am not a very patient person and you both know that. Now, tell me 'everything' about this. Like, right now." I said as soon as we've got our asses sat on the sofa.

"Uhm, Azie..." Alexandra played with her fingers. "Can you uhm..." She glanced at me shortly before lowering her gaze once again.

"What?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Can you..." She gulped. "Can you stop being mad first and calm down a little? I'm getting scared to answer." She muttered while pouting and still playing with her fingers.

I rolled my eyes in disbelief. "Fine."

Like I would calm down just like that. Stupid Alexandra.

I heave a sigh before smiling widely. "Care to explain to me now?" I said while beaming like a fool.

Alexandra's face brightens while Alexandre looked like he can finally breathe after being suffocated.

"So here's the thing, Azie." Alexandra paused. "Granpa gave us that thing. It's a special ticket exclusive for VIP's. He contacted the bar guy, which I remember he called 'Zeke', to get that for us and we just received that yesterday as a birthday gift." She vigorously stated.

"Why did you accepted this?" I asked suspiciously. "You two never liked places like this."

Alexandra scratched the back of her head bashfully. "Well..." She elbowed Alexandre. "Hey! Talk!" She hissed.

Alexandre ignored her and looked away from her, the same thing she did to him earlier.

"Aish!" Alexandra glared at her twin for a second before facing me again. "We didn't want to accept that at first either..." She points at the tickets. "But Grandpa brought us enough tickets to bring our friends and even talked to their parents to ask for their permissions." She explained.

I raised my eyebrow, "He did?"

"Yas! So we were hyped up to accept those tickets, hehe." She seemed really excited about going to this place with her friends.

This is rare... Pops never really exerts this much effort even for me. His 'favorite' grandchild.

He doesn't want to go through this much trouble just to gift something to someone.

Something's suspicious here...

"But!" She added. "He has a condition." She pouted.

"Hm? What condition?" I was intrigued.

I knew it...

Something's up with this.

"He says we should report to him." Alexandre answered me while showing me his phone.

"Report what?"

"He said, we should report to him each and every traits of that place. May it be a good or a bad traits of that beach bar resort."

"What?" I crease my forehead. Is he for real? Is he doing a recon in this form? Really?

I just huffed in disbelief. I rested my back on the backrest.

He's using the twins to know what he could add up to the appeal of his beach resorts too.

I once again stared at the tickets on my hands and studied each and every details it has. There are some tiny illustrations of the beach on the tickets and I may say that this place looks so luxurious and classy.

This place seems really famous and top tier, and so he wanted to see if he could take up some details from this place and remaster it to decor his own place.

We remained like that for about a minute or two. I just stared at them with a blank mind. I can't believe this is happening.

Our silence was broken by the ring of the telephone.

Nanny Elsa came from the kitchen and picked up the telephone to answer it. She was talking to the person in the other line while taking short glances at me.

What now?

She puts down the phone on the table. "Azalea, hija. Your Pop's on the phone, he wants to talk to you." She said before going back to the kitchen.

I stood up from my seat before picking up the phone.

"What do you want?" I asked in deadpan tone.

"Well, goodmorning too, Apo." he said naturally without any sarcasm.

"Just tell me what you want already." I rolled my eyes.

"Bad morning, Apo?" He asked.

"Yeah, so just tell me what you want already." I said, feeling irritated.

"Aww. My poor sweetie." He paused. "Come here later, Apo. We're going to discuss something."

I rolled my eyes. If I know, this is going to be one of his scheme again to make me handle that friggin' whatsoever project. Unfortunately for him, I've made up my mind and I've already set up a plan.

"Okay." I was about to hang up when he called my name.

"Let the twins go. Don't trouble them, okay? I gave them my permission." He said before hanging up.

Great. He's talking to me as if he did nothing wrong to me.

I can't believe this is the start of my day. This is totally the epitome of a bad day.

I smiled bitterly. Life.

I faced the twins who's looking at me expectantly. I saw Alexandre holding his phone up. So, he texted grandpa huh?

I sighed and closed my eyes. "A'right."

"You both can go now."

"Yes!" They jumped in joy. "You're the best, Azieee!" They both screamed before hugging me.

"But..." I said making them stop. "Know your limits okay? Don't be reckless."

"Aye!" They saluted to me.

"You're going to a place where wild beasts visit. Never be the prey." I added.

They chuckled. "Roger that, Ma'am"

They both kissed my cheeks and walked towards the door.

"Bye, Azieee best girlll!" Alexandra sent me a flying kiss while Alexandre waved his hand at me.

"Be careful, okay?" I said one last time and they both nodded.

When they're out of my sight, I went up to my room to take another few hours of nap.


My alarm woke me up. I immediately stood up from my bed and took a bath.

I dressed myself up casually and prepared to leave. Nanny Elsa saw me walking down the stairs.

"Hija. You going to your Granpa's Manor already?" She's fixing the dining table.

"Yep." I said popping the 'p'.

"Then take your breakfast first." She said placing a plate on the table.

"Ah, thanks Nanny, but I'll just eat later. I won't be staying long in the Manor either." I said and smiled at her.

"Is that so?"

"Yes, Nanny."

"Don't skip breakfast, okay? Make sure to eat." She reminds me.

"I'll take note of that, Nanny." I winked at her to ease up her worry.

I went to our garage and hopped in my car. I revved up the engine and pressed the accelerator.

Since it's weekdays and working hours, I didn't encounter much of a traffic. I arrived at the Master's Manor in no time.

The guards raised the boom barrier to let me in the gate.

I honk to alert Pops that I'm here. I entered the Manor and went to his office. I saw him signing up another bunch of paperworks.

Gosh. How can he even handle this kind of work? Is he even taking some rest?

It seems that he hasn't noticed my presence yet.

"Pops." I called him.

I caught his attention. He puts down his pen and set aside his papers. He leaned his back on his chair.

"Ahh, Apo!" He breathed deeply. "I thought you'll never come." He mumbled.

"So," I walked towards the single seater sofa just in front of him and sat on it. "What are we discussing now?" I crossed my legs.

He leaned forward and puts both of his elbows on his desk. He intertwined his fingers and looked directly into my eyes.

"Apo, will you please cooperate just this once?" He seriously said.

I huffed. I knew it. "Pops. I've been cooperating with you all my life. Which you never did the same thing to me." I said my last retort with sarcasm.

"Apo..." He paused. "I know it's my mistake that I've sabotage your prepared exhibit without thinking of your feelings at all. I know I'm wrong and I'm sorry for that. Please..." He stared at me apologetically. "...don't be mad at me anymore. I can't bear to have a conflict between us."

"I just wished you've thought of that before actually doing it..." I can't hear anything, my emotions are eating me up. All I know is that, I am mad. Really mad.

"I just want to make you accept the project... I never really thought that I would be hurting you like this. I'm sorry Azalea, Apo." He lowered his gaze.

"What's done is done, Pops." I smiled bitterly. "I've cancelled all my invitations to my guests. It's officially cancelled. The event is officially cancelled, Pops. Happy now?" I asked.

He remained silent.

"Don't be. Because even if I cancelled my exhibit. Even if my first attempt is a fail. I won't be cooperating with you and that shitty bastard, Zeke." I stood up from my seat. "It's not just my loss. It's your loss also. I won't let myself suffer alone."

I walked towards his door, ready to leave.


As soon as I've clutched the doorknob, I heard a loud thud behind me. I faced my back to see what happened.

My eyes widened after seeing Pops lying on the cold marbled floor, unconscious.

"Pops!" I ran to his position. "Hey Pops!" I tried to wake him up.

After trying a couple of times and he's still unconscious, I already pressed the intercom device. "Call a fucking ambulance! Now!" I ordered.

"Pops! Wake up!" I checked his head if he got bruised or wounded, and luckily he's fine.

Just a minutes later and the rescue team already arrived. They checked Pops' vitals and carried him to their vehicle using a stretcher.

"Be careful!"

I just stared at them carrying my Pops and driving away from the Manor. My mind is totally blank.

I blinked. Before their diminishing image fade, I entered my car and followed their ambulance.

I need to make sure my Pops is fine. This is no time for a fucking mental block. I need to stay by his side. I need to make sure he's perfectly fine.

I stick at the back of their vehicle, I made sure they're not far from my sight.

We arrived the the hospital and the doctors and nurses immediately acts upon my Pops' arrival. They checked his situation and brought him to one of this hospital's room.

I sat on the chair in front of the room that they've brought my Pops in to.

I waited there until a doctor left the room. I blocked his path.

"How's my Pops?!" I immediately asked him.

"Uhh... Are you related to the patient?" He seemed surprised about my sudden appearance in front of him.

"Did you not hear me?! He's my Pops! Is he alright?! How is he?!" My voice raised on their own. My nervousness is affecting my adrenaline.

"Oh, okay. Calm down now, Miss. Your Pops is in a good condition now. You don't need to worry anymore." He smiled.


He nodded.

I felt relieved. I heaved a deep sigh as if I was being suffocated this whole time.

"Thank goodness." I clutched my chest while taking deep breaths to calm my nerves. As my adrenaline starts to wear off, my knees suddenly weakened and collapsed on their own.


Before I could even feel the hard surface of the hospital's floor. The doctor in front of me catched me from falling.

"You alright, Miss?" He asked me using his soft voice.

I just nodded. He supported me to walk until we reached the nearest seat.

"Thank you." I said. I look up to him since he's standing in front of me and he's quite tall.

"No worries." He smiled, showing his dimples on both of his cheeks. "Take care of your health, as well as your Pops. Both of you seems so stressed out."

I just remember that I still don't know what causes Pops to collapse.

"What happened to my Pops?" I asked him.

"Ah..." He sat besides me. "Over fatigue. Lately, he seems to be overworking his self." He faced me. "Try to limit his working hours and don't stress him out. He's not getting any younger. As much as possible, make him eat healthy foods to avoid this kind of situation again." He stood up and faced me once again.

"Alright... Thank you so much." I smiled at him.

"Take care. I need to go now." He said and waved his hands at me.

I smiled and nodded. "You too."

When he's out of my sight already, I fetched my phone from my pocket and texted the twins about what happened.

I was surprised that my phone rang within less than a minute after sending my message.

I answered the call. "Hey."

"What happened?!" It's Alexandre.

"Everything's fine now. He's in good condition already. I just texted you to update you about this matter." I said calmly.

I heard him sigh. "That's good. He's been working non-stop, he needs to have a proper rest. He lacks rest. Goodness— Hey—!" I heard him yell.

"Hello, Azie?! How's Grandpa?! Is he alright?! Is it serious?! Aish! I knew it! He doesn't know the word 'rest' at all! He isn't concerned about his age either! I can't believe—"

"Calm down!" I averted the phone away from my ears. Their noise is irritating the hell out of me. I can hear some loud music on the background too which added to my irritation.

"Everything's fine now, okay?! Stop yelling already." I hissed.

"I just let you know. Now, enjoy and don't waste that opportunity I gave you."

"Yeah. Alright." They answered and before hanging up, they've left some messages for Pops.

After as the line was cut off, I stood up from my seat and checked the room. There's still some nurses inside thay are checking Pops' situation.

As soon as they left the room, I immediately entered it. Pops is still unconscious.

I sat on the chair nearby and stared at him.

What have I done?

This past few years. I was just doing things my way.

Even though I always say that he's making me do things his way, that he's always the one in charge of my future, he does give me an adequate amount of freedom considering how hectic should my schedule be as the clan's Heiress...

I would only help him if he asks me too. I don't have any idea how much work he's been bearing just to let me have my freedom even just for a short span of time.

What the hell am I doing as the Hemlock Clan's Heiress?

I gritted my teeth and slapped my forehead real hard. "Fuck." I mumbled.

I was busy having a fight with myself that I haven't noticed I was dozing off.