
Yours Is No Disgrace 3


Syd dashed himself left and right between people's feet.

A little mistake can lead to death.

He and Jody will be crush like they are ants.

" Syd! Behind you!"

Syd turns his face back. He sees a woman's feet which is about to step on him because that giant woman is moving her feet along with the music.

But thanks to Jody, Syd throws himself and lands right next to her. Escape from that giant feet.

" Where's Bett ?! "

" There! "

Jody points her finger at Bett.

They see her holding on a man's trousers, looking to their way.

" We need to get off this fucking ground! Or else we'll be crushed!"

Syd shouted.

" I agree!"

They both do the same as Bett, jump up on another man's trousers.

Needless to say, Jody aims her finger to Bett and shoots 5 air bullets directly at her.

However, Bett dodges them. She quickly climbs up the man's shirt and jumps to the next woman next to him.

The bullet hits the man's legs. Making severe damage to his body.

" AAAAAAAAaaaaAaaaaHHHHHH!!!?? WHAT THE FUCK?!?!...."

That poor man screams in pain. His voice sunk within the blasting music but still loud enough to make Toshi notices.

" What the fuck?" Toshi turns his face to that man, he was like 2 meters away from him.




Bett Moretz looked at the man's wounds, panting.

" What the hell is that?... What just came out from her finger?... That girl is dangerous!"

Said Bett.

" Looks like she doesn't alter her size back... Why?..."

Asked Jody.

" Because Toshi is still over here! She knows she can't fight against three of us! If she turns to normal size, Toshi will see her... She plans to get us first! "

Syd replies.

Bett finally gets herself on the woman's shoulder.

" Syd! She's getting away! She's getting herself near the bar table!"


Sys and Jody do the same as Bett, jumps between people, chasing her.

While that Jody keeps shooting at her, but it all missed. Bett is very fast.

" She's very fast! "

Said Jody.




Toshi asked the man who got shot:

" Hey. man... What's wrong?!"

" (Sobbing) ... I-i-I don't know !! Something just hit my legs and it's fucking hurt!!!! (*screams in pain*) "

Toshi observes the man's wound, his eyes are wide open.

"... T-this wound!... He's being shot?!...but wait... There's no bullet at all!..."

Suddenly, he realized.

" This is Air Bullet?!... They're Jodies! She and Syd must be around here... They should be fighting with Bett Moretz! B-but where are they?!..."





Bett Moretz successfully makes her wat to the bar table.

on the table, their many glasses placed on it. And behind that are cocktail station. There were many champaign and bottles of whiskey placing on the shelf wih their cork pointing out.

As her feet lands. She quickly turns to check if the couple is still following her or not.

And the answer is yes, they are. And they're coming right to her.

"... Fuck...they must be Thrak... They aren't easy to deal with!..."

She pulls out a handgun she hides under her dress, aiming at them.

But first, she needs to dodge another set of Jody's air bullets coming straight at her.

They hit the table, Bett Moretz hid behind the champaign glass.

One of Jody's bullets also hit the glass. It then broke, leaking out a liquid inside.

At that moment, Syd realized something.

" Wait..."

Jody turns back to Syd, asking

" What? "

" I've been observing for a while... Although we are small..... Our forces are still the same! Our speed! The distance we jump! The damage from air bullets!... They are all the same as when they are in normal size!"

Jody's eyes widened.

" !!!!! "

Right now they are on the man's shoulder, Syd then punched the man directly to his cheek.

And it was as he thought, the man's face moved following the same direction he launched his fist on, the blood splits out his mouth.


Syd and Jody then jump down to the bar table.


Bett fired 4 bullets right at them. Jody dodges to the left, Syd to the right.

But unfortunate for Syd, he got hit on his torso.

" Hggg!!!! "

" SYD!!!! "

Jody shocked as her only best friend get shot, but Syd still carried on and hid behind another glass.

" DON'T WORRY ABOUT ME! " He shouts,

" I have swapped the hardness of the concrete floor to my skin... I can go on for a while..."

Jody then shot back to Bett Moretz.

" You BITCH! "


The glasses flew off to left and right, Bett keeps changing a cover, using a glass to block her body.

" Jody, keep buying a time! You have to cover me! I will get her!"

" Ok!"


Bett almost got the bullet strikes through the head.

She managed to take a cover between the glasses.

" Fuck!.... That girl is truly dangerous! ...Her ability is to shoot the wind bullet?!..."


Bett peeks to Jody's direction but she sees something unexpected.

Syd Barrett was running towards her. but when she aimed at him, Jody took a shot. So Bett hides behind the cover.

" … She's buying a time for that boy to come closer to me?!... TCH---"

Bett then pulls something out from a pocket. It's a pen.

She then throws it to them.


" hm? "


Out of nowhere, a tiny pen she threw in the air expands itself into a giant pen in the blink of an eye! Separating Bett from Syd and Jody.

In their point of view, this pen is like a massive pillar laying in front of them.

But to others, it appears as if someone accidentally dropped their pen before leaving the bar.

" Do you think this pen can stop me? Your ability doesn't reduce anything but the size! "

Syd jumps over the pen, continues to chase after Bett.

But out of sudden, Bett smirks.

" No."

?!?!?! His eyes widened.

" Moreover, Because this ability doesn't reduce the bullet's damage, that's the main reason I do this."

Bett shot her gun at one of a pen's end.

When the bullet strikes the end part, it makes the pen got blown away and also rotates itself, and when the pen rotates, another of it end part swings to Syd's way and fully collides with his stomach.


Syd's body got thrown to the right side, his body hits the wine glass, it breaks immediately.

The pen also flew towards Jody's way, but she can shot it in time. So the repulsion between the pen and her bullets ( which coming towards each other) draws each other out.

" SYDDDD !!!!!!! "

JODY was shocked at her best friend's body who is colliding on the table. Surrounding by the shard of glasses.

Bett Moretz appearing out of the cover... She walks to Syd's body.

But Jody aims the air bullets at her.


By the sound, Bett knows immediately that Jody Johanson was in a panic at her boyfriend's pass out.

" Hey...Hold it. Little girl..."

Jody was panting and extremely anxious at the situation, In contradicts, Bett was very calm and tries to talk to her. Because right now, both of them are tired.


She shouts with anger in her shaken voice.

" Calm down, girl..." Bett tries to soothe Jody, She continues:

" I have noticed about now... Come to think of it... You only follow his order Don't you, girl? *gasp* ....*gasp*... Are you the Beta type of girlfriend? ... The answer is NO.... *gasp*...You guys are Thrak... But it's strange for Thrak agents...very strange... You always keep yourself quiet and let yourself flows with the role. On the other hand, he always does the work... So... this is my assumption..."

Bett points her finger to Syd.

" He.... is the lead... and YOU.... are the follower... I'm not really sure about that Japanese boy out there... You are a newbie? No. Thrak will never let Newbies throw themselves in a field like this. So...YOU are not Thrak's agent. Is that true? "

Jody's panting... Actually, she is shaking inside.


" Let's just say it's true..., Even though it is obvious, girl... Listen... Let's make a deal..."

" ?!?!!!!!???? "

Jody's eyes widened.

" Your name is Jody, isn't it? And his name is Syd. I heard you call each other that but those names may be another of your assumed name... But whatever your real name is...girl... You're picking the wrong side."

Jody is panting.

" I don't know how this boy put you in the team. But he's using you for his own good... Palmer should be executed by now... "

Bett glares into Jody's eyes.

" This is a warning, girl. If you're still following him like this... Things will get harder and more dangerous... I suggest you... stop right here. And go back to your normal life before it's too late."


" The reason why I gave you this opportunity...Jody...is because I understand your feelings... I'm showing you a sympathy... I guess he just used some bait...or a nice offer to pull you in, didn't he? So...how about this, Jody? YOU...help me identify the other Thrak agents out there... I guess they're somewhere around or outside the night club. Yes?..."

Jody breathes heavily.

" Listen carefully again... Jody. I give you the opportunity to change your mind. Because you haven't done anything I can't forgive. You just...there... doing what his deal furtively forces you to do..."


" Think about it, Jody. Aren't you just want to live your life peacefully? If you already come to this way... There's no way to step back. If they know you choose to help all these crooks, no matter if you are a civilian or agents...they'll kill you. Did Syd tell you that? Have you already measure the weight of his reward and the consequences that will follow you once they know you are sided with Thrak? "

Jody was silent.

"W.....w....w....what do I have to do...?"

Jody asked.

"..." Bett grins.

"...Easy. Point your finger to all the agents out there... I will deal with them. And once it's over. You...go back to the normal life, I go back doing my job. We're cool. And will never talk about this again, how's it? "




"....hehe... Heheheheh...."

Jody grins.

"... I-if i ... accept your offer... you will actually let me go? "

"... Yes. I'll deal with everyone except you."

" Then...my answer will be NO, Bitch"

Bett's eyes widened.

" !!!!??.... What?!---"

She felt something was burning on her feet when she looks down.it was a flame.

A flame ... Out of nowhere, burning on her legs!


Bett screams.

As she turns her face back to Syd's way.

She saw him grinning towards her way, looking down, she saw he was holding a lighter.

It's Seraphina's lighter!

" YOU----!!!!!! "

Bett was panicking as the flames climbing up to her torso.

" I have said that I swapped my flesh with the concrete on the floor, haven't I? That repulsion is fucking hurt. But it couldn't knock me out."

*Bett screams*

" Don't you even realize, huh bitch? I'm a sneaky bastard, you know? "

Syd grins.

" I have swapped the characteristics of your alcohol drinks with your skin before I even carried you out. Just in case you would escape and I do not regret at my cautious. Heh."


The fire comes up to her chest.

" (*Chuckles*) this trick works every goddamn time."

Syd lights up the lighter again.

" The reason you don't turn yourself back to normal size and crush us like insects is that you're afraid of Toshi. So... I should do look for something to force you to."

He continued;

"All these liquid that leaks out from the glasses you destroyed... They're all flammable....and we are surrounded by fuel...and once I throw this lighter into all these liquid around us... "

As Bett realized what's gonna happen she screams out to Syd.

" NO!!!!! DON'T YOU FUCKI--"

The flame has been ignited.

All around them.

Creating the flame sea...

Syd already jumped out of there, leaving Bett Moretz burning alive in the middle of the fire.


Bett screams out of fear,

"...prepare for it, Jody. She's gonna turn back to normal in a second now..."


Bett had no choice but to turn herself back to her normal size.


If you are a person, having a drink over the bar table. You'll see a 40 aged woman popping out of nowhere and landing on the table with her body on fire.

" !!!!!! You...YOU FUCKING PRICK!!"

Bett Moretz falls on the ground, she slapped her hands against her clothes to stop to fire.

A good civilian around there comes to help her.

" Hey...Y..you... Are you alright?"


With anger, Bett pushed him away.

On the table, the tiny Syd and Jody right now we're facing against a giant woman.


Bett thrashes her hands against the table and wiped every single thing off, making Syd and Jody had no choice but to jumped down the table on the floor.

Bett saw that and she quickly stomps her feet on the ground, hope that it will crush them into ashes.

However, as she tried to move, her feet slip...like the floor has no friction.

Not only Bett falls down on the ground, but everybody around there too. Some who didn't move or dance too much can still manage to stand still.

The nightclub was in Chaos now.


As Bett looks down at Syd and Jody, she found the answer.

Syd was holding a block of ice next to him.

The ice which originally belongs in the drinks she just destroyed them.


He bursts out a laugh.

" Woah, Woah Woah!!..."

Jody's legs are shaking to left and right, she's about to slip but she can control her balancing well.

" I swap the characteristics of this ice and the floor! Right now any surface on the ground is frictionless, Thanks to our Betty trying to wipe everything off the table! "

Then, Jody got pulled up by Syd to the ice cube he's riding on.

Strange but reasonable, this cube of ice is still cold. But it already gains the characteristics of the floor, so the friction on the cube is the same as standing on a concrete floor.

" Now, Jody, We're going to do what it called 'The pro-gamer move' "

He said.

" What are we gonna do?! "

" Have you ever played a snowboard?"

Jody realized what he's asking her to do.

She then smiles and replies:

" Say No more."

Jody pointed her finger to the back and shoots out air bullet, the impulsive force of the bullet pushes the ice which they're riding towards Bett Moretz. The force sends this cube of ice sliding freely on the frictionless floor.

Syd jumps off the ice towards Bett's face.

" Take this, Bitch! "

He punched Bett right on her nose.

( sound of bone cracking)

Bett was flown back due to the force he implied on her face.

Blood runs down her nostril.

Bett screams in pain.

Jody behind still holds herself on the ice, support Syd by firing 5 air-bullets right to Bett's face.

But while the bullets are traveling, Bett uses her ability to draw herself back to the tiny size.

So it missed.


Bett shot her gun until the ammo runs out, but it all goes behind Syd and Jody.

The situation right now is, Bett Moretz

turns herself to a smurf size again, Syd standing right in front of her, Jody behind holding on the ice cube.

" AAAAAAAHHHH!!!!.... My nose!!! My pretty Nose!!! You Bastard!! "

She glares up to Syd with hatred in her yellow eyes…covering her nose with her hand.

*Drop* *Drop*

" Now, you still want more of a fight?... Huh? ..."


But something happens... Bett releases her hand down, showing a foxy grinning to Syd.

"..... Hey... What the... What the FUCK are you smiling at?! Bitch?! "

".... Hehe...heheheheh... Syd... pretty boy... You don't realize what you have done, haven't you?...."

She asked.

".... Fuck are you saying?..."

" *gasp*.....*gasp*... You...just make this club... Fall in chaos!.... While you're sliding on that fucking ice!..."

" ...? "


As he turns back, he saw giant human legs swinging into his way.

" SHIT!!! "

He dodges it.

But it didn't end at that, it keeps coming.

Around him and Bett are people swinging their body parts randomly because of pain.


He confused.

( ( Sound of people screaming! ) )

But also, He noticed that giant legs had a bullet wound in it.

*pant* *pant* *pant* *pant* *pant*

" What the fuck?...."

Jody on the floor who can figure out the situation shouts at him.

" SYD...That bitch!!! She didn't shoot us! She aimed for people on the floor! She used them as her shield! She used their pain which shakes their bodies randomly by panic ... to separate you from her! "

" She even did this to innocent people?!... "

Syd turns back to Bett Moretz, saw her grinning with blood still running down from her nose.

" You fucki-----"

Syd was about to follow her. But the giant woman's leg was rush down to his way.

Bett managed to jump up to the man's head.

" ....*gasp* *gasp*... I must get away from here! This is going out of my hand! He's a fucking mad man! "

" SHE'S GOING TO GET AWAY! " Jody shouts.

Bett then jumps over people's heads to the exit.

But Jody won't let her do that easily.

She shoots the air bullet to her.



Some of them missed, but some of them managed to penetrate through Bett Moretz's legs.


Bett screams out of pain.

Blood was squeezed out of the wound, but she still keeps going.

" Come on! COME ON!!!"

She bits her lips, trying to bear this pain until she can make an escape.


She makes her way to the front of the exit door.

" *gasp*... Guh... I...I've WON!... Now!! Good luck surviving from being crushed by a crowd of people! "

"..... Syd!... She's getting away! "



".... No... Jody... She can't get anywhere. And will never escape from us."


" What do you mean?!..."

As Jody looked up.

Bett was about to push out the door and escape.

But suddenly, A mysterious fist, out of nowhere, landed right on her face.

The repulsion sent Bett Moretz floats backward, she instantly knocked out and collapse on the ground.

" What the ??!...."

As Jody gazed her eyes to that mysterious person who punched Bett in the face... She shouts out that person's name.

" TOSHI " !!!!

" Yare, Yare. At first, I wonder what you guys trying to do. It took me for a while to get it."

Said Toshi, shaking his fist.

"... What is he saying?!... I-i don't understand! "

Said Jody.

" The answer is over there."

Syd points his finger to the bar.

Jody's eyes widened.

"...Remember those whiskey bottles on the shelf? "

Asked Syd.

Right in front of Jody's eyes were those bottles of liquor on the self but some of the corks got pulled out. So it leaks the liquid inside flowing out of the bottle like a waterfall. And those waterfall of alcohol are shaped in the words

X X I T 

It's hard to read, but not that hard.

It can be read as Exit.

" Don't forget that I also have a pistol, Jody."

"... You do this just to send the message to Toshi?!..."

Syd nods.

"... When did you?...."

"... Heheheh...Doing something without being noticed is my kind of routine."





