
Golden Eye

" Hey...."

Toshi calls Syd who is laying on the sofa next to him.


Syd turns his face to Toshi.

" Blow my mind."


"... Ok..."

Syd cleared his throat.

"Bible is just the first Novel with the overpowered protagonist."



Mickey who happened to hear that took off his headphones.

" Holy shit, bro."

" NOVEL ??? 😡 "

Sera harshly shuts down the novel she's reading, turning her face to Syd.

Her expression is too obvious that she's offended by that statement.

" Wait...wait... He's got a point..."

Mickey holds 🖐 Sera.

" Then I have one too. Australians are just British Texans."


" ... Why would you say something that sounds so wrong but actually right?"

Syd said.

"You believe in God, Sera? "

Jody asked her.

" Well, No one said he doesn't exist."

She replied.

"I thought you would be an atheist."

" Why? Just because I'm millennial?"

"... Well... Most of them don't."

Jody replied.

Sera then stated:

"Although the ancient belief of god sounds so fantasy to me, there's a load of unexplainable situations that happened in my life. You wouldn't believe in those supernatural things until you come to face them yourself."

Sera continues to tell them:

" Since I was a little kid, like 5-6 years old, I silently sneak out of my parent's mansion while we're having a vacation in the USA. I almost got ran over by a Ferrari car while I'm about to cross the street in New York. But guess what? I heard a mysterious sound called me from behind, and I swear to god I'm telling you the truth. It's the sound of a man calling me, I turned my head back to see who's calling...I saw no one... But when I turned my face back again..."

Sera holds up her thumb and Index finger, showing a little gap between them like she's describing something that's very small.

" A tire of high-speed Ferrari car... It was this close to my face. I swear to god, If that moment I ignored the voice, I could have been dead."

" You sure you weren't paranoid? "

Jody asked.

" I'm bloody sure I heard that. No one was behind my back, so how could I explain that? It must be god himself. He knew it wasn't my time to die yet."

Sera replied.


Jody looks like she doesn't really believe in Sera's word, But there's no point for Sera to lie to them.

" You 'Really' sure your ears ain't paranoid that time? "

Syd asked.

" Yeah. Why? You don't believe me?"

" No... I believe what you had told, but I just don't believe it is a god or anything that spoke to you though."

Syd keeps asking.

" Are you really certain about that? How can you guarantee that your memory about that situation is accurate?"


Sera didn't answer, she's evaluating his words.

Syd continues declaring his point.

" Look... Memory is unreliable. It changes the color of a Ferrari, The size of the room, the point on a card. I bet with 20$ in my pocket that you can't even remember what did you have for dinner 2 days ago, yes? Memory is distorted, Don't you even doubt yourself if you're having an auditory hallucination? That voice should just be your dad or some males in your life. You know, Kids tend to have more auditory hallucinations than adults. See, I was not in that situation with you, but if I were you, I'd doubt that."

".... You may be right about my memory can be distorted. But don't you know that the human brain will remember the important events more accurately than usual events? You can remember the first feeling when you rode a bike, didn't you? Or the exciting feeling of the first time you got the Christmas present?

I can still remember the voice! I'm very certain! I heard that. Jeez, Syd, You don't really believe in supernatural things??"

" Welp, Speaking of the fact, Sera... He is the only person in our group who doesn't believe in supernatural stuff."

Mickey said.

" What?... Syd, You're atheist? "

She asked.

" I'm not an atheist. I just believe in things that can be proven."

Syd said.

" Haven't you encounter with any bizarre events in your life? "

" Nope. Never."

Sera then turned her head to Jody behind her.

" How 'bout you? Jody? "

"... Me? ..."

" Yeah."



Jody was considering something before she started to speak.

"... Uh... Actually, I haven't... But I have been through a very spooky sleep paralysis once..."


" Sleep paralysis? Really? When?"

Sera asked.

" Not for long... It started like a week ago..."

" A week ago?... So it's at Syd's house?"

Jody nods.

"I was somehow awake in the middle of the night. And I saw a creepy woman in the same room as me, standing over the door."

" You remember what she looks like?"

Sera shows her interest in Jody's story.

" Yes... Very scary and it's still haunted me... I don't remember what she wears though. But one thing I'm certain is that woman has a Red ponytail, If I ain't wrong...and she's almost the same height as me...like...around this? "

Jody shuffled her hand between the height of her head and forehead level, telling Sera that the woman's height isn't much different from Jody.

" So that means she is above the average? Like you?"

" I guess... Yeah..."

Jody is 175 cm height or around 5.9 feet. Tallest among the girls in this plane.

As Jody spoke that out. If she notices a little bit, she'll see that all the agents are completely silent.

Roxxy who hasn't spoken with anyone because of the busy stuff on her laptop even paused what she's doing...just to listen to Jody.

" The creepiest part was her feet didn't even touch the ground... She moved by floating...Ahh... It's frightening trying to remember that image... She screamed at my face... My ears were about to explode."

The agents look at each other in the eyes except Syd Barrett.

Although Toshi didn't send any voice out of his throat, Mickey can still read his mouth's movement.

" Holy shit dude..."

" I told Syd about this. He thought it was just a paralysis demon, I pretty much agreed with him though. But there's a second wave that happened to me and I still didn't tell him."

" How's it? "

Sera asked curiously.

Jody took a breath.

" Even creepier..."

She said.

" I had a dream within a dream, I was washing my face and when I looked into the mirror, She's sitting on my neck...then I tried to fight her back with Air bullets but...the image got cut and I woke up...accidentally shot 3 holes on the door"

" Shiiiiit... Jody... That's bloody hair-raising..."

Sera said. She's rubbing her hands against her arms.

Jody turns to Syd and tells him the truth.

" That's the reason I made a hole in that door, Syd... I thought you'll say it was bullshit...so I didn't tell this to you...I'm kinda sorry..."


Syd didn't reply anything back.






Not for long, they finally arrived at Swansea airport.

" Where do we go now? "

Asked Jody.

" We gotta settle at the private house they have prepared for us. Then we'll go look for that girl."

Roxxy answered.

"... Ok..."






Better not to waste our time.

They've moved from the airport to a Private house somewhere in Swansea.

The house is wide enough for 6 people to fit in.

There're 3 rooms on the upstairs for the girls.

Syd, Mickey, Toshi can sleep anywhere so they'd decided to settle down here in the living room.

Roxxy recalls everyone to the middle table, the conference table they preferred, She opened the laptop screen, showing them what they would do.

" This is the most we can get. I've called for cyber technical support from HQ. This is by far the best they can restore from his computer."

Roxxy shows them a chat history.

"From the latest chat history, which is... 2 days ago. Candy had a chat with the anonymous users in the dark web about 'Sally'. The last location is around the 'Uplands Market' ...which is 1 hour away from here. We'll go there. Search for her. And if someone tried to stop us, kill them."

" Aren't we're gonna interrogate them?"

Sera asked.

" No need. Monter has been established not for long. They're still fresh. And are in the middle of self-building. So...the people they sent should be hired. They may be contract killers... Or mafia. They can do literally anything for money, I bet they don't even know who hired them."

Mickey answered.






2:30 P.M. Uplands Market; Swansea; Wales.

Among a crowd of people, shopping on this open-air market, appears A little girl, wearing a coat, sitting on the ground, laying her back against the wall of someone's house.

She doesn't look like a homeless after all because her clothing isn't that dirty...just 'Look like'...actually...she is.

This is Sally Salmacis. But her appearance is different from her latest picture.

Because she had cut off her hair. Wearing a french beret and sunglasses, avoiding anyone to fully see her face.

Of course, because she cut her hair, that makes them perfectly fit within the cap, harder to be recognized.

Suddenly, A man opened his door house and chase her away.

" Hey! Get off! Are you blind?? This is my house! Go sit anywhere else, kid! Where are your parents? "

Sally didn't answer, she quickly gets up and walks away.

(... What an asshole...)

She thought.

Then proceed to go among the crowd of people.

She's looking for prey.

And there it is...

A married couple.

They are heading towards Sally.

As she had decided, her right eye under a sunglasses glows in yellow, making Sally sees everything under their bag.

Yes... She's aiming for their purses.

This is her Ability.

" GoldenEye "

It allows Sally to perceive everything that a normal person can not.

Such as Magnetic fields, Electric fields, Infrared, Ultra Violet, X-ray, Scan, Heat, and many more.

She can control this ability to ON-OFF like it's a remote control.

But using them for too long in a place like this will cause too much brain damage to her.

Because of the 'Radio waves'. They are all over the place.

Her head will get dizzier and dizzier until she begins to vomit.

Like having a seasick...but more intense.

If she's in the countryside, then it's another story.

After she saw all the stuff in the woman's luxurious bag, She took off her sunglasses.

" Baby, Look at this picture...It's beautiful What do you think if we have that hanging above the dining room? "

" Hmmm... Interesting..."

The couple stops by the painting shop.

They observe the beauty of the picture and decide whether they're going to buy it.

while that…

A little girl accidentally falls down to her knee.

A woman and her husband immediately drop their focus on a picture and turn to this girl instead.

" Oh my God! Honey, are you alright?! "

The old lay asked Sally.

"...*Sob*...*Sob*... *Sob*..."

Sally is sobbing...

" Are you lost? "


Sally grabs the woman's waist tightly, nods her head.

"... I-I *Sob*... I was walking with my papa... And...*Sob*..."

" Oh... Calm down...calm down..."

The woman pads her head,

" It's okay, honey...let us go to the reception point..."


While the lady is about to take Sally to the reception point...

" That's my dad!!! That's him! "

She shouts.

Sally points into the crowd of people.

She then quickly runs into a random guy and disappears...

Leaving the couple in delighted...

Without knowing that both of their wallets had been taken.

Running away from them, making sure they aren't following, Sally brought out the wallets and quickly looks for the money inside.

She got a credit card, 500 pounds in one wallet, and 650 in another.

Sally smirks.

" Lucky me."

She puts the banknotes inside her coat,

then she cracks the credit cards and throws the wallets away.

This is her own rule.

She only takes pure banknotes.

She won't suck out the money from their bank accounts.

" Welp. This is enough for today...those 2 are richer than I thought..."

She smiled and walked into the cake store...






" Shit, why there're so many people this day ??? "

Syd steps out of the car.

He's with Jody, Roxxy, and Toshi.

Mickey and Sera are inside the car.

" You're coming? "

Jody asked Roxxy.

" Why? You got a problem?"

" No, I thought you would do computer things..."

" We're haunting a person, I can freeze her if she's trying to run away."

"... Oh, right..."

Syd gave Jody an air pod.

Jody already knows this is for communication. She receives it and put it on her right ear.

" We don't actually know how long that image had been taken. Her look may change by time and be aware of the enemy..."

Roxxy said.

They then walked into the market.

The haunt begins...