
Ice and Joker

Time sure goes fast. When realize, Toshi had already been working with Thrak on several missions.

The boy shows great progression in training and developed lots of potential skills which reflect his ability well. Although it'll be tough if he's put to face the enemy's ability users, Toshi is better at infiltration, that's what he's trained for.

His rate of success in an infiltrative mission is 100 percent. Thus, making his name climbed up to the top lists of potential-agents in a short time.

But still, Toshi Ishii lives a goalless life.

Besides sleep, waking up, getting a job done, having some fun in night city in each town he visited, get paid, and continues the loop so on... it's nothing.

He felt empty inside. Though having fun with girls by using either his original appearance or people he borrowed excited him up, after it's done, things are back to normal.

The sarin gas attack which Toshi was worried about has been cleared.

The attack, as Jade said, still happened. It causes lots of injured people and deaths. Making the Japanese public being traumatized all over the country.

Shoki Asakawa was arrested and being accused of the one planning the attack.

He was not Thrak, he knew nothing about Thrak. But he's being controlled with "Invisible strings" this organization had been putting on him since the day Thrak received the sudden rises of his cult in the community.

Thrak does not control Shoki Asakawa. It controls the circumstance around Shoki Asakawa instead.

All the factors that lead him to plan the Sarin gas attack in Tokyo underground station were controlled by Japanese top-level people. Which Toshi was freak out and jawed dropped when it's been revealed to him who in Japan was people of Thrak.

The person that he thought he or she wouldn't know about Thrak, turns out, they are. And they've signed in for even before Toshi was born. He can't look at some of the Japanese stars in the same way again.

The sad news made Toshi felt sorry. He came to know later on that there are a Thrak's agents among his cult since the day the world knew about the Cult.

He questioned, Okay then... So why are Thrak planning to take out Shoki Asakawa and executing all this?

But he never gets answered, because that was out of the scope. But He kind of catch a glimpse of that by the experience and mission's objective he's been put up to. The attack in Tokyo maybe just a piece of the jigsaw needed for a big picture.

Toshi assumed that it was Japan's economy that they aimed to control. Because that time Japan's economy was rising...a bit way too high. So they needed to push it down.

Toshi first thought it was just them trying to control japan. Like an organization that did this to gain an advantage for themselves. It is probably owned by the westerners.

But he changed his mind quickly as he found out about the Airplane crashing incident at the tower in the middle of Newyork, American. Which, truthfully speaking, that is way more dramatic than back in his hometown. That's when he realized Thrak is something way beyond what he known. And he felt glad to be a part of it.

It's being around for thousands of years, having the most complex and mysterious working system yet most effective in the world.

Thus, from all that above... it's time to look away from the past and keep going on...

Toshi is compatible with anybody in the organization. Especially the opposite sex. With good appearance, manner, and good in predicting people's emotion combined with his habit, He is known among Thrak's agents as the great infiltrator, but on the other side of the coin, he's known for the true "Womanizer"... as well. So many of the girls associating with him either in the organization or the outsiders were only just being toyed by him. After he's enough with his satisfaction, he threw them away like spitting a bone. And never return back. Many have fallen for him, but he always broke their hearts for a simple reason. 'I ain't there for your stupid relationship.'

" Toshi is a good agent and a disgusting human being and a spy of undeniably exceptional gifts."

That's what people had stated to him.

Toshi does not care about them. And Thrak's agents are professional enough to put this matter aside while working with him. Because it's a personal matter.

Until One day. When he arrived at Jade's office to take a mission.

" Jade, I've read the brief. But where should I-"

Toshi was obstructed as his eyes caught someone already sitting there in Jade's office with her, she's a female agent, heights around 172 cm, brown hairs with a slight yellow. A half breed?

" This is your partner they've matched in this mission."

The girl turned around, Toshi was stunned by the energy that came out of her. It's chaotic yet calm. No need to tell, he knew by himself that this agent wasn't infiltrative type. Though she's younger than him, If he's about to go hand in hand he could get his ass beaten for sure.

" This is 'ROXXY'. She'll be deployed with you."

Then Jade began to explain the mission in detail.

However, Toshi's unconscious mind wasn't stuck with the details at all. He's still with the female agent sitting next to him.

Something's off with this girl that he never experienced before.

She is the first-ever person in his life that he cannot read what she's thinking. He did not know what her emotion was like right now... Because usually, eyes are the window he used to access the soul, but this girl's eyes aren't anything like a window. They're more like a bank vault.

Because the girl looks like she's angry all the time, and that's a real attraction to him.

Who is she? I never see her before.

While They're on the preparation, the boy began his move.

" Hey. What's your ability doing?"

The boy started with a simple question.


Roxxy gazed at him,

" Ice."

Short reply. As if she wanna get rid of it. One thing he knew was she prefers not to socialize.

But it couldn't help. His habit was telling him it's challenging.

" Ice? How?"


That's a question in the scope that still does not look ugly to ask. Because they need to work together.

".... I...can summon... Ice things."

The girl gazed away.

" Wow. That's so cool. Can I see it?"

" Why?"

" Can't I ? "


Roxxy said nothing, but summon the thin Ice out of the hand. Then vanish it.

It's a sign of "You satisfied now?"

Then she walked away...






" And that fucker... That ugly-ass Asian cunt, that fuck face, weak ass motherfucker keeps coming to me EVERY fucking day."

Roxxy kept cursing it.

Sera and Jody were good listeners. Sera seemed to be very interested in the story. But Jody kept silent.

" So... Do you know he's tryna hit on you?"



" --AAAAAHHH Fuck! I can't!"

Roxxy Barrett covered her entire face and pinched her hair, scratching...scratching.

" No. no. I ain't gonna go on. No more. Stop."

" What? This hasn't even reached the climax yet."

Roxxy looked so done with it. But in the end, she kept telling because Seraphina kept squishing it.

"... Uh.... I wanna die."

" What happened next???"

Asked Sera.


" Wha?"

(... Just that? )

Roxxy was embarrassed as hell at this point.

" I NEVER got into a relationship! And I'm already a teenager. Okay??? IS IT WEIRD?! I JUST WANT TO ENJOY TEENAGE LIFE! AM I WRONG???"

" Nobody has said anything about that..."


" FUCK."

" ... Didn't you guys tell me that... Agents shouldn't have a relationship with each other?"

" Yes. And that's the problem. That cunt doesn't give a FUCK."

" So are you," commented Jody.

" I just want to try things out!"

" Yeah, I know. We are still teenagers after all."






After knowing each other for a 8 months, the girl seemed to be talking to him more.

Not gonna lie, but this girl Roxxy broke the chart. He never has this much difficulty before.

Even until now, he still could not defy what kind of relationship they're having. However, Roxxy did open up to him a little bit. They often chatting when they're free. Or make a call sometimes. To talk about the mission of course.

Even her voice and expression are still the same as the day they met.

" Patient is a game here."

Toshi took that quote.

He'll be her 'Good pals' as long as he couldn't get to undress her clothes.

This is the hardest "Game" he had ever played.






One day... While he was walking in the base. Toshi heard the noise coming from a group of people in the public space.

It was three people focusing on something on their phones.

" What the Fuck are this sayin' bruh. I can't read."

The boy who seemed to be the group's center said confusingly, scratching his head. He has brown hair with slight yellow and red eyes. Toshi couldn't tell his race, he looked Asian...but also not like entire Asian. Maybe half? He thought he likely had seen him before but couldn't remember. Then on his side were 2 of his pal, one was a green head.. This person was white And another was a black dude, with a cool haircut.

" Nigga, Why you can't read it???? It's an Asian game! "

Said the black guy.

" Bro this ain't no Thais! It's Japanese. I can't read this shit."

The brown hair guy replied to him.

" Maybe you dogs should put on google translate."

The green hair suggested.

" Fuck that dog-ass bullshit. Man. That thing sucks dick. Can't even translate properly."

The black dude quickly declined.

" Motherfucker, I used nordVPN just to play this shit. How THE FUCK they don't have subtitles."

" Oh, Nigga, please. The fuck you expected much from Japan."

Said The black guy.

" Yeah. Man. If the game you playin' is not big enough, they would just make it available for their country."

" Fuck..."

While he was in desperation, the dude noticed Toshi Ishii there.

" Oh... That guy may be either Korean or Japanese."

" Wha?"

The black and white guys turned to where he was looking.

" Hey! Hey, over there! ... Yes. You. Yes, you blue hair."

He called Toshi.

" ...?"

" Hey. You. Come here for a second, man."

" What?"

" Where're you from?"

Asked the brown hair guy.

" Where I'm from?"

" Yeah, like. Which country? "

" Japan. Why?"

" Yes!"

His expression changed to glad.

" Fuckin' knew it! "

" Damn, Nigga. How did you know?"

The black dude asked.

" Passive of the Asians, bitch."

He then turned to Toshi. That time Toshi knew this dude is also Asian like him.

" Can you help me translating this thing?"

When he lent Toshi the phone. Toshi's eyes widened.

Because this was the same Gacha game Toshi played. Indeed, 1/3 of his salary was put into it.

" Yoo, you played this game too?"

" ....?? "

Them threes were surprised.

" We all are. "

Toshi's chemistry matched in this group of people perfectly. Not so long after that, he found himself being one of the group already.

" I'm Syd. This lil' bitch here on the left is 'Denji'. And this Jewish cracker is 'Mickey' "

Suddenly, the boy got slapped in the head by Mickey Mannix.

" Fuckin' racist."

Said Mickey.

" Hey. Slapped him again homie, I'll give you another pass."

Mickey slapped Syd's head again.

*Slap* "Racist nigga."


The boy pulled Mickey's collar and choked his neck in maniac.


" Wait... He's a dude???"

Toshi was jaw dropped, He thought Mickey was a female.

" HAHA! "

Denji exploded the laugh,

" You aren't the first, homie. And you'll not be the last. For real."

(.... Shit... That's so close....)

The black dude, Denji, shook his head. He turned to Toshi and said,

" These motherfuckers. Imagine if I wasn't here, they'll sure gettin' jumped on the street. Don't you agree?"

".... Yeah, I think so..."

He was first scared of the group, but their chemistry was on point. Toshi did it without realized but he became to associate with these people more often. Usually, he had his community before but not very closed. But this... This was a whole different level.

Since that day, Toshi became one of the group.

He switched between meeting them, swapping with Roxxy.

With the girl, the relationship between them grows even further. Even though Toshi never sees her other expression besides an angry face, which is bizarre, the girl likely to respond to his signal.

So he thought... She was the "Player" as well. And she was the one who invited him here, in Sydney. He didn't understand. Why not invite him straight to the hotel?

He still cannot read her eyes 'til these days.

This girl is not an amateur... He thought.

So be it.... He thought.

On the place where they're out of work... Looking at the city on the opposite side of the river in Sydney, Australia.

" The night of Sydney is more beautiful than those in IG."

Said Toshi.

" I disagree. Those in IG are more beautiful 'Cause the filter."

Roxxy argued.

" Yeah. But you know what's prettier than that?"

" ? "

" You."


As Toshi decided to make a move the girl. He expected nothing from her. Because a pro player like her cannot be tickled by something like this.

But it was the opposite,

He noticed the red flushes on her face. Roxxy was flushing. This is the first time he saw her like this.

" Shut up."

" !? "

Toshi was confusingly shocked.

Wait... What???

" You know...when I first saw you, I thought you were in a bad mood."


" I'm used to it."

Roxxy looked away into the lights in the city.

" Do you find it an issue?"

" A little bit... But I'm more concerned about my heights. My brother was tall as hell. But here I am..."

" How tall are you?"


" That's so-"

" No. I just want to... You know...-"

(... Let me try again...)

" Because I think height doesn't matter. You're already attractive with those eyes, I mean. Really. It's, to me, very pretty."

This time was confirmed.

Roxxy's face had turned into a rose, entirely red.

" You know... This is the first time that I have experienced something like this... I-I don't know what to do..."

(... That's it.)

Toshi realized he had been misunderstanding from the beginning.

With the body language like that... She told the truth.

"... Oh... I see...haha..."

( Fuck.)

Toshi only there for fun and games while Roxxy took it seriously.

But then a thought popped up.

It's like a devil whispered to him.

At least let me have a taste of her first, then leave. There's nothing to lose there.

The two continued talking under the moonlight Until there's a moment that...


The two were kissing, he can feel the heat being sent through the girl's face. Even feel the heartbeat. On the opposite, Toshi had been through countless. He's neutral.

This must be the shot Toshi will finish the game. He only needed to proceed to go further.

However, the girl stopped him from doing that.

" L..Let's stop here..."

She said.

" Why?"

" I'm not... Ready yet..."

" Don't worry about that. I'll teach you."

" No...No, please I can't....uh...I'm sorry... I cannot go further..."

Why did she end just like that? Or maybe it's too sudden? Maybe. She's younger than Toshi. It's usual to be scared.

" And why's that?"

" I'm not sure I'll be able to keep this from my brother if we both escalate further... I think... Let it just stay like this "


" Okay. If you said so..."

The night ends with nothing happened.

It left Toshi disappointed. However, he's glad he didn't do it because this girl was too innocent. He realized how such a beast he was and he regretted that evil thought






"... So, you can't manage to get her right? Hahaha!"

His friend laughed.

" Shut your goddamn mouth."

Toshi replied to his Japanese Thrak agent. They're having a conversation in Japanese.

" But why did you let her go? I think you can use your convincing speech tho."

" I don't know man... She was putting herself into it and... I kinda feel sorry for her. This is her first time. I'm afraid I might ruin it. You know... They said first time whether it's good or not, it'll be sticking with you for entire life...so"

" Oh, you start to have some sympathy towards girls now?"

" Hey. Cut that off. I might be a player. But I have rules. And it was not to get myself involved with anything that'll make me uncomfortable. You know that."

It is true.

Toshi may be a womanizer, but he never plays with those who are taken.

All the girls he's been involved with, if they do not consent, Toshi won't lay a finger on them. But that won't a problem since he always convinces them with the speech before threw them away in the next day.

Another is not to be involved in something that may be problematic and fuck him up.

" Hey. May I ask for the girl's name?"

" Yeah. Her name's Roxxy."


Suddenly, his friend coughs out a drink.

" Woah, what the fuck?"

" Her name WHAT?"

" Roxxy."

" Outsider?"

" No. Thrak's agent. Like us."

".... What's her code name?"

" Wait. Hold on. Hold on. The fuck's wrong with you?"

" Bro. Is her code name ICE CUBE…?"


" Yeah. And?"

Toshi noticed the pale in his face. That makes the boy uncomfortable.

" You're fucking nuts... But also... Still have some fortune that you did not do anything to her yet. Right? You said you haven't done anything to her right?"

" ...y...yeah..."

From that reaction, it was true shit.

" Why? What is it?"

His friend wiped a spitted coffee off the table. Before talked in a serious mood.

" Listen, buddy. That girl Roxxy Barrett. Do you recognize the last name?"

" No... Just heard it from you. She said her name was Roxxy so..."

" Alright. I need you to listen to this. It's for your own good either. Okay? Since you're just being transferred from Asia, you may not know this... But last year...

3 advanced security guards and 5 trainees got their nose broken. From just one single person."

Toshi was in total shocked.


" Who's it?"

" I don't remember the name... But one thing they said was that his last name was "Barrett"."

His friend looked around in terrifying,

" Tosh, This dude is the real thing. He's a big name on the list of people you shouldn't Fuck with. Or else you'll get sending to a hospital."

His friend pulled closer, whispering.

" Because there's a rumor that he's the "Elementalist" but I don't know which."


Toshi knows what the Elementalist is, in fact, it's in the basic training of Thrak's agent for recruiting those who possess the ability of fundamental elements. And he knew how powerful they were.

Suddenly, yesterday's conversation popped up in the head.

//I'm not sure I'll be able to keep this from my brother if we both escalate further.//

" ..... "

Sending advanced security guards to hospitalize wasn't something usual. Even he couldn't do it...

Toshi gulped.

" The problem seems to be the older Barrett. But the younger Barrett was also a monster like her brother. Dude, for real, she's the maniac machine. You need to see when she's angry."

" Well... I never see once but...Shit...."

He can not ask Jade for Roxxy's profile. Because it is confidential. And it was weird to do that. What reason should he explain to Jade? None. It's all personal.

He felt like his throat will be cut.

He's stepping in the realm of "getting fuck up" like almost of the body.

He must get himself out of there as soon as possible.

Since that day, Toshi took 5 days for his decision plus get rid of the mission first, before he decided to call Roxxy out for the meeting.

"... Tosh? What is it? Why did you call me out? Is there anything happened?"

The girl asked in worry.

[Side note here, it's not a misspelling. Toshi usually being called Tosh by foreign friends. Because it's easier to say.]


" Roxxy. I think I...."

"..... What?"


" I think I can no longer maintain this thing between us. Let's break up."

" ?! "

The girl was stunned for a minute. Like the world just stopped spinning.


" What? .... What are you talking about?... T-Tosh, what do you mean???? "

"... I'm sorry. Roxxy"

The boy gazed into her eyes.

" Why???"

If compared Roxxy Barrett to a roller coaster, right now the track was snapped in a middle way down the curve.

" I think... We, uh... Our chemistry is not... get along...kinda..."

" What??? Are you shitting around?? Our chemistry does not get along??? Bullshit! Then what about that 8 months??? I don't see any flaws"

" I'm sorry. But I'm... I think this is the best solution I can come up with."


Toshi decided to remain silent.

" What the FUCK???!!! EXPLAIN! NOW! "




Suddenly, He felt an intense amount of terrifying aura coming out from Roxxy's body.

Instead of sadness, it was a "pure wrath" that was shown on the girl's face. her face was twisted. The veins on the forehead. Her angry eyes do boost up the scary look she already had.

And it terrifies Toshi.


Suddenly, He's been pulled on the collar.

Roxxy's Ice began to leak out of her body, some of them even come on Toshi's suit. She squeezed his collar as if she wanted to rip his skin off.

The death glare into the eyes, the aura that declared who's controlling who.

His heart beats maniacally. So this is what his friend's been warning all the time.

So this is the real Roxxy Barrett???

He sees now why everyone is afraid of her.

" You... You are...the first...person... That I decided to be with... And this...is what you do to me?????"


Toshi looked away,


The girl slammed him on the wall.

" Ekk..."


He couldn't bear it anymore.

"...... This is WHY Nobody wants to be with you! ROXXY BARRETT! "


As he said her surname... Roxxy was shocked.

She released the collar... She never told him the surname...


" I don't know you're like this... So this is your true colors... I will never let myself involve with someone as violent as you or your BROTHER... That's it."

Toshi put his jacket back, then he walked away from her immediately.

He thought he'd get his ass beaten. But somehow, it ends now.

Finally, he would be free from trouble.






Many days later, after Toshi split up with his partner in the previous mission.

He entered the canteen. Then he found someone was sitting over there.

They were Syd and Mickey.

They spotted him as well.

" Wassup, Homie."

" 'Sup bro."

Toshi replied to Mickey and Syd before he entered their group.

" Where's Denji?"

" Homie on the mission right now. Busy."

Said Mickey.

" What you fuckers doin' here?"

Asked Toshi.

" I'm waiting for my sister. She just had returned from the mission."

Said Syd.

" Wha? I never knew you had a sister."

" Nigga you didn't ask!"

Suddenly...Mickey noticed something's off with Toshi.

" You okay bro? Why you down? What happened?"

" Yeah. He do be mood tho. What happen?"

Asked Syd.

Toshi sighed,

" I... I don't know man... I think I've done something terrible to someone..."

" Sheeeeeeeeiiiiiittt..."

That made Syd put down the strawberry milk and focused on him.

" Nigga, you got da hoes, wha'cha worry huh?"

Since they knew each other for a while, and Toshi was open to them. So they knew what kind of person he was.

" Man. This time was nothing like that. She ain't no hoe. And it was her first time. I think I just break up with a queen bro. I mean. We've been together for 8 months. And there's no flaw. She's incredibly caring. But I just found out the day I break up with her that she's so aggressive bro."

" Shit... That's bad..." Mickey said,

" So why you broke up with her?"

" Well... Our thing was just a poppy-love. You know what I'm sayin', And she kinda put herself into it while I did not. So I think, this ain't fair for her. So I better step out.

" Hmm... That's a good decision bro. But you didn't fuck her right?"

" Excuse me, nigga... Having Sex."

Mickey said.

" Oh. Okay. Sorry."

Syd apologized.

" No. No. I didn't. She's too pure, I didn't dare

" Wow. Toshi, you're a man."

Syd tapped his shoulder,

" Well done. King."

" Yeah, King. Distinguish the queen from the hoes."

Mickey added.

" ...and another reason..."

Toshi glared left and right before the group scoped down to a very low voice.

" She's the sister of the 'Beast' bro."

" The beast? What 'cha mean? Like she's a buffalo?"

Syd got slapped on the head from the Japanese boy.

" Shut the fuck up, you Australian cunt.I'm serious."

" Okay."

Toshi looked left and right again.

" So... My reliable pal just told me about the rumors. There's a rumor of a mad man, Bro and you gotta believe this. This nigga beat them trainee asses and fucking beat 3 security guards and send them hospital, bruh. This nigga is crazy. I don't wanna fuck with him. I don't want no problem."

"... Wait,wait...wait. Hold on..."

Syd stopped him.

" What is his name?"

"... He told me he can't remember the name. But what certain is his last name is "Barrett". Bro."



" Bro?"

Mickey and Syd were off. Toshi confused.

" His name is Barrett you say?"

" Yeah."

" Well, that nigga IS ME."


" WHAT???!!!!! "

" Yeah. It's me. My full name is Syd Barrett bro. The fuck you talkin' bout. That weird-ass rumors, dawg, those niggas insulted me first Imma tell you that. You can ask Mickey. He's in the scene tho! "


" Yeah. That shit crazy man. Many people see that. You should have seen when they're gettin' played. haha"

The boys were laughing, but Toshi was on the opposite.

He is sweating. The water ran down like a waterfall.

He did not know what he should be shocking at first.

The fact that the rumor is too exaggerated, or the fact that he never realizes his current homie is the one in the rumor.

" Hey. Wait a minute."

Syd began to realize.

" that means...WAIT YOOOO WHAT THE FUCK????"


The timing was so shit ass. Because Roxxy just came out of the automatic door and she saw Toshi was with her brother and Mickey.

Which also shocks her too.


"..... What is this?....."


" WHAT IS ALL THIS?????!!!!! "

* S N A P *

Roxxy didn't know what's going on but She jumped on Toshi and started to beat him up.

In the middle of the canteen.

In front of everyone.