A Different Kind Of Wrong

...Kati POV...

Sebastian should have been back already. He should not be taking so long. I have tried to phone him a few times now, and his phone goes straight to voicemail. Now I am starting to get really worried; he would have told me if he was running late, and he would not have gone off to see someone else without coming to pick me up first. There are a million things that are running through my head. What if he was in an accident? What if he fell when he were carrying the boxes down stairs? What if, What if, What if.

So after I am convinced that he is not coming home anytime soon, I decide to phone mom, "Mom, have you heard from Sebastian."

"No sweety, I thought he was with you?"

"No, we split up to get things done faster. But I have not heard from him, and his phone is off now."

"Okay, wait there, I am coming to pick you up, and then we can go to his place."