…Kati POV…
This is the first morning in a very long time that I wake up alone. The view from up here is absolutely amazing; it is kind of sad that I cannot share it with someone by my side. This is also the most alone I have been in a very long time too. There is a big part of me that just wants to phone him, but I know that I should be strong and not give in so easily to him. If things are meant to be, then they will be.
I need to start planning; I know I am only about fourteen weeks or so, but I need to get to a doctor, and also I need to start reading up on baby stuff all over again because I know absolutely nothing.
It is scary, but I am so excited.
But I wish Sebastian was here. I know I should not; he will just break my heart and crush the excitement I feel with the babies.
I wonder if I can trust mom not to tell him that I have spoken to her.