Longest Days Of My Life

...Sebastian POV...

The next morning everything is like it is almost completely back to normal again. My mind feels more at ease now that she has agreed that we can do the test, and I can find out once and for all. It is not that I love my boys any less now; it is just something that I need to have peace of mind.

So we both are sitting in the kitchen, and I am making her flapjacks just the way she loves them. I am so glad the morning sickness is gone now, for I hated when she got so sick. She did get a little bit this morning, but that was only because of the chemo.

While she is twirling the strawberry milk around in her glass, I can see that she has not been so happy in a while. I stop for a moment and take her hand, "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I am still shocked that it is going to be two boys. I would have loved a girl, but it seems that I am going to be outnumbered."

"Ah, we won't be that bad."