"Want to play something?" I asked as he finished his chocolate and he nodded handing me the wrapper of the chocolate he just devoured.
"Okay so do have any games in mind?" I patted his head and he made a thinking face, kids are so adorable. My smile never left my face, I don't remember being this happy in months.
"Let's play police man! I'll be the police and you'll be the thief." He suggested and I agreed, I pretended to be a thief and he acted like a chief officer. I giggled at how good he acted like one.
"Hands up! You're under arrest!" He pointed his hand made gun at me and I raised my arms.
"You're dead" he shot me with his pretense gun and I pretended to die.
We laughed afterwards, we talked a little more, he seemed so happy, I myself felt euphoric talking to kid. I've always had a soft corner for children. I played games with him in my phone as well. It was a treasurable moment to spend with him.