4: Cultivating by Killing!

... [three-horned Snake] a message appeared in front of Li fan as he gazed in the direction of a snake.


The snake hissed as it slithered around a tree, it's three large horns looking extremely dangerous.

"F*ck, even snakes can grow horns?" Li Fan was truly shocked shitless, and this was only a beast comparable to a 2nd stage Qi refining cultivator.

If those horns somehow impales him, wouldn't he be dead on the spot.

" I thought I was gonna fight bunnies or something" Li Fan calmed down and tightly gripped his sword, with his new martial skill he didn't believe that a small snake with horns would send him to his death.


With a simple leap Li fan instantly closed the gap between the beast and himself, yet at the split second the three-horned snake had actually jumped out like a raging bullet.

It's three horns closing in on Li Fan.

"F*ck" Li Fan was about to slash down with his sword, but he changed his stance and blocked it instead.

With the agility and flexibility of this snake, Li fan knew damn well that it could easily dodge his attack and kill him in that moment.


The three-horned snake clashed into the sword before being repulsed back by the impact!

"Die!" Li Fan roared out, he circulated the Yin-Lotus sword art as his sword cage crashing down like a huge shockwave.


The three-horned snake had actually tried to flee, but it was too late, it wAs instantly split into half's, its wo body parts squirming around quietly before it died, its blood flowing out..


Li fan felt extremely tired after using the sword art, he wasn't feeling really good.

Li Fan regained his stamina for a bit, seeing the "%" behind his cultivation level, rise up, he became even more confident!

"This isn't so bad" Li fan thought, he knew extremely well that if he didn't have this sword, he would definitely be the one killed in this fight.

"Hehe while you crazy cultivators stuff your faces with herbs and meditate all day long, what do I do?, this daddy here levels up by killing" Li Fan said after calming his urge to throw up from the blood of the snake.

Back on earth he hadn't even killed anything this big.



A loud screeching sound was heard above Li Fan, causing him to raise his head in shock, it was a flower-crowned Eagle, it was eyeing the dead body of the three-horned snake, and also eyeing Li Fan..


It's wings heavily clapped as it swooped down, its momentum causing even Li fan to move back unconsciously.

"F*ck, what did I do to you?" Li Fan was startled, this flower-crowned Eagle was at-lest at the peak of the second stage qi refining realm.

"Do you look down on my strength?" Li fan gritted his teeth, not many beasts would go against someone with the same cultivation level as them, in fear of suffering heavy injuries even if they do win.

The Eagle was clearly looking down on Li Fan, this was unacceptable, as if it didn't see him as an opponent!

The temperature around Li fan seemed to drop as he gripped his sword tightly.

The yin-lotus sword art as based on yin energies, according to the system it could perhaps help him comprehend the dao of ice.

Li fan knew nothing of dao comprehension, which wasn't surprising at all.

"What's the weakness of a bird?" Li fan thought deeply, he finally understood something.

As long as he could cut off its wings how would it fly?


He immediately leaped to the side as the flower-crowned eagle descended!


The sound of blood splattering was heard as the eagle screeched loudly once again, Li Fan had actually managed to stab into its huge black wings.

"F*ck you!" Li Fan didn't care about the screaming of the bird, it actually dared to attack him, then of course it must be ready to die.


Blood splattered alls round Li Fan, the sword had actually managed to pierce through the eagle.

He was fortunate it wasn't a scaled eagle, or else wouldn't his sword just be scratching an itch for it?


Li fan stabbed down once again, but this time he stabbed onto its head.

The eagle screeched one last time before losing all its strength and dying.

My strength isn't something a normal 2nd stage Qi refining realm cultivator should have.

Li fan knew his strength more than anything, he didn't know if this power came from the cultivated martial skill, or the body-cleansing fruit.

Not only that, he was able to stay calm and think in a situation where he could've nearly died.



[Name]: Li Fan

[Age]: 16/58

[Bloodline]: Mortal<->(can be upgraded)

[Cultivation]: 2nd Qi Refining Realm(50%)

[Dao]: Nil

[Skills]: (Yin-Lotus Sword Art)


"Holy sh*t, I'm already 50% close to the next stage?" Li Fan was truly shocked by the power of the system now, it usually took days for even geniuses to break through to the 3rd stage!

Seeing the sun still high up in the sky, Li fan decided to continue killing more beasts, he was planning on overdoing it!


Li fan continued searching for more beasts for about an hour and a half, he had already killed three more beasts.

2 at the 2nd stage of the Qi refining realm, and 1 at the first stage, that beast had just been courting death.

[Cultivation]: 2nd Qi Refining Realm(87%)

Seeing his current stats, Li Fan was extremely excited, today was his task day so he couldn't stay out for too long, if he was caught skipping his task day, he would surely be punished by an outer sect elder.

The outer sect was split into many mountain peaks, each elder controlling a certain mountain peak, truthfully the outer sect peaks surrounded the whole core area of the sect, while the huge formation surrounded the entire sect.