6: [Jade-Body Sutra]


A loud explosion rang out inside a bamboo forest, the earth shook as rocks were sent flying in all directions..


Li Fan released a clam breath of air, his body was drenched in sweat as his muscles bulged, cultivating the jade-body sutra included pushing his body to the limits, destroying his body and rebuilding it, over and over.

His body as like a ferocious beast as his veins popped out, sweat dripping down his face, creating a small puddle under his feet.

In front of Li Fan stood a huge boulder, small craters of fists could be seen on the boulder.


Li Fan slammed his body into the boulder, he gritted his teeth throughout the pain, without enduring pain what was the point of him even being in this world.

His fingers wee bloodied and his whole body was drenched in blood, mixed with sweat!

Li Fan's current physical prowess was monstrous, even those with a higher cultivation would be heavily injured if he attacked them directly.


Li Fan struck out, his leg was like a chaotic whip as he heavily kicked the huge boulder.

"-Ah!" Li Fan nearly screamed as he felt his bones almost breaking.

This was the easiest way in his mind to cultivate the jade-body sutra.

Some of the hardest training methods would be directly clashing with colossal beasts, cultivating in lava, pushing against the currents of an ocean..

Even though Li Fan's current strength was monstrous, he really wasn't at that level yet.

In the information of the jade-body sutra, if his body was strong enough, he could split the seas within a punch, crush mountains with steps.

It was extremely tyrannical!

"Soon, even normal swords won't affect me" Li Fan smiled as he removed the rest of his clothes, ready to hop inside the pond beside him.

He was extremely happy with his current strength, back in the Li clan not many cultivated the body, there were still a few who trained in heavy broad sword techniques.

Li Fan sat calmly inside the pond, the clam and soothing sounds of nature reaching deep into his soul.

Circulating the jade-body sutra as a emerald green glow enshrouded his body, slowly recovering him.

With such a technique, if he reached the highest levels, he could revive himself from a drop of blood, reattach limbs and even regrow limbs.

Li Fan was wondering what sort of level his strength would reach if he combined it with a sword and the yin-lotus Sword Art.

He didn't even dare to imagine it.

Li Fan had been cultivating the jade-body sutra for three days now, day and night without rest, even while carrying water up the mountain peak, due to this his current strength was monstrous!

To the current him those water buckets were extremely easy to carry, perhaps he could even carry the whole huge gourd down the mountain and refill it before carrying it up.

It would be a cool way to show off, but it wasn't worth it.

Holding the iron sword in his hand Li Fan calmly swung it..

Swoosh!! The sword slashed out!

The air shook as a shockwave sent the waters rushing backwards.

Li Fan was basically all rounded now, with his Qi cultivation set by the System, and a new evolvable body-Refining technique.

Li Fan's body refining method required holding a horse stance to his limits, punching huge rocks till he bled and his bones cracked.

And finally restoring his body with the jade-body sutra.

Even though he had to endure a lot of pain, wasn't it all worth it in the end?

Was his goal to stay as a mortal in this dangerous world?

No way!


Li Fan immediately cleaned up the area before calmly leaving, wearing his white outer disciple clothing he left the bamboo forest near the sect.

"Hey, have you heard, there is another disciple promotion exam coming up" a outer disciple said to a young girl as they walked past Li Fan.

"Really?, what's the cultivation requirement this time?" The young girl asked.

Li fan decided to stay in his spot and listen to them.

"You have to be at least at the 5th stage of the Qi refining realm to even take it" the young man said boastfully.

"Luckily I'm already at the 5th stage" he said with a laugh!


"Only the 5th stage?, with Li Fan current strength he doubted if anyone at the 5th stage could rival him in physical strength alone" Li Fan thought.

"its best to take this disciple promotion exam, if you pass you can become an inner disciple and get more resources, your family will also be benefited" the young girl said with a smile as she rubbed the man's arm.

"Haha, of course, it starts in a week so why not," the young man said, truth was he had taken the exam before when the requirement was 4th stage Qi refining realm, and he had badly failed.


Li Fan didn't care about the relationship of those two, he quickly left and returned to his cabin.

He currently has a week left, this was more than enough time to reach the 5th stage, he would then use the rest of that time to train the jade-body sutra.

"Wait I can train them both at the same time, along with the yin-lotus sword art" Li Fan smirked to himself, he would gain exp while killing beasts, level up the jade-body sutra while fighting beasts,along with the yin-lotus sword art.

This was basically hitting three birds with one stone.


Sitting in the lotus position on his bed Li Fan proceeded to cultivate the jade-body sutra, he circulated the technique as his injuries slowly started to heal, giving his skin a slight jade-like glow.

Body-refining must seem useless, but it was extremely important, definitely on par with Qi cultivation.

Imagine having a body that could block martial skills and treasured weapons easily.

Yea, that was overpowered as f*ck!