11: Disciple Promotion Exam [1]!

5 days went by in the blink of an eye, The soaring cloud sect was as peaceful as always, in these 5 days each outer disciple was working extremely hard on cultivation.

Li Fan had also been training extremely hard, possibly way too hard, his overall combat strength and fighting experience was slowly increasing everyday as he continuously challenged his true strength.



[Name]: Li Fan

[Age]: 16/58

[Bloodline]: Mortal<->(can be upgraded)

[Cultivation]: 5th Qi Refining Realm(5%)

[Dao]: Nil

[Skills]: (Yin-Lotus Sword Art),(Jade-Body Sutra)


Li fan looked through his current stats, he had broken through 3 days ago, and had spent the rest of his time cultivating his techniques.

Even though he couldn't find any 5th stage demonic beasts, he had killed dozens of 4th stage beasts to help him level up!

He now had profound control over his sword arts, and his abnormal and monstrous body cultivation was getting even stronger.

No one would expect a lean young man like him would have a body as hard as rocks, it was simply unbelievable.

But in this world, what was unbelievable?

[system mission!

Task: pass the disciple promotion exam.

Reward: Rebirth beast egg(pet function)] this was a System mission Li fan had the day before, somehow he felt like this mission was expected.

He was pretty excited about getting a pet, even though he didn't know what to expect from it.


Li fan wore his outer disciple robes and left the cabin, Hong Tai calmly followed him.

Today was the outer disciple promotion exam, each outer disciple taking the exam was required to wait at their respective mountain peak.

"Brother fan, I will leave first" Hong Tai smiled before rushing up the mountain peak.

There weren't many outer disciples capable to reaching the 5th stage, and those who did were very few.

Only a few disciples rushed up the mountain along with Hong Tai, while the rest were gazing at them enviously as they climbed up.

There was no point in lying about your cultivation just to take the exam, plus no one even dared to do that.


Li fan rushed towards the mountain peak, with a calm and steady breath, controlling his breathing had become a natural thing to him.

The mountain peak wasn't packed at all, there were only around 10 or so outer disciples, these were the only ones capable of reaching the 5th stage of the Qi refining realm.

"Ah look, it's elder Zhao" an outer disciple said as he pointed in the sky.

A middle-aged man with a slightly muscular figure slowly flew down from the sky Atop a flying sword, his robes blowing through the wind as he majestically landed.

Seeing this, all the other outer-disciples became excited as they chattered.

"I know you are all excited, but hold it till you actually pass" elder Zhao said with a smile, the disciple promotion exam only happened once a year, even he was as happy as them back then.

"Hop on the flying treasure, we will gather up with all the other outer disciples" elder Zhao said as he waved his arm, a small golden boat shot out of his sleeves.

It increasingly became larger as it floated above the mountain peak.

"Hurry up" elder Zhao said before hopping inside the flying treasure..

Seeing the appearance of the flying treasure, Li Fan was shocked, but he kept a calm face, he hurried past the stupefied outer disciples and easily hopped onto the flying treasure.

Lightly landing on the boat.

It wasn't long before all the outer disciple regained their senses and hopped onto the flying treasure.

The flying treasure shook slightly before it took off to the sky, the huge white sails swinging through the wind.


Li fan found an empty area on the boat and took a seat randomly, surprisingly Hong Tai sat close to him, but not too close.

The golden boat turned into a flash of light as it flew throughout the air, a golden halo surrounding the ship, blocking out the ferocious winds.

"When we reach the gathering area just socialize until the elders gather to start the promotion exam" elder Zhao said as he calmly sat in the lotus position, his gaze wandering off towards the sea of clouds.

Even though the sound of the winds wasn't affecting them, they could still hear it, elder Zhao's voice seemed to pierce through the air before reaching their ears.


The golden boat decreased in speed as it slowly descended from the sky, the heavens seemed to open up as the clouds made way.

Li fan stared below at the never ending system of mountain peaks, in the middle of these mountain peaks was a huge stone stage, with a golden pillar in the middle.

Surrounding this stone stage were dozens of outer-sect disciples, the bustling sound was heard even in the sky as the golden boat descended..


The golden boat slowly landed around the area before elder Zhao calmly leaped off the boat.

"Go and associate with you fellow disciples for now, the exam will begin soon" he said as the flying treasure disappeared and returned into his sleeve.

Causing a few of the disciples to fall on their bits with low groans..

Before anyone realized it elder Zhao had already left the area and disappeared.

"I guess we just go wait with the other disciples for now?" Hong Tai said in confusion.

"I guess so?" Li fan filled Hong Tai as they walked towards the stage, mixing themselves in with the crowd.

Li Fan found a place to sit down, he really didn't like standing in the middle of huge crowds like this.

The crowd of outer disciples slowly started to increase in size, the bustling sound of the disciples also getting louder.

All the outer sect elders and a few inner sect elders were gathered above the stadium as they discussed who knows what?

Only a few disciples along with Li Fan had noticed their presence.