15: Came to Collect Taxes?


Atop Li Fan's new inner-disciple robes were a porcelain bottle filled with many pills, other than that there was also a disciple token along with a skinny manual.

Li Fan decides to change into his new robes before doing anything else, his old outer-disciples robes were already wrinkled.

Pulling out the skinny manual Li Fan started reading through it quickly, the manual basically talked about where to find the disciple mission board and many other things.

Contribution points can be traded for spirit stones or even martial art skills, there were also weapons, and almost anything that the sect was willing to give to its disciples.

"Seems like contribution points are important" Li Fan said calmly as he continued to read through the manual.

Inside the manual it also gave him a small prompt on how to use the disciple token, one was basically able to bind the disciple token by dropping blood onto it, the disciple token itself was some sort of formation, it could be used to keep track of a disciples contribution points, points can be deducted if a disciple is punished or they can be deducted after a disciple uses them to redeem something.


Li Fan followed the prompt and bonded with the disciple token with a drop of blood.

The porcelain bottle was basically a bottle of Qi gathering pills.

These pills could basically help Li Fan become more sensitive towards the Qi around him, making him absorb them even faster, the pills were practically useless to Li Fan, he had the system to level up his Qi cultivation, not only that the pills wouldn't help much.

Li Fan explored all around his courtyard, only after a while did he leave the courtyard, he was s planning on taking some disciple missions.

He really didn't enjoy staying in the sect all day, he also longed to see his family in the Li clan again.

"Hoho a new inner disciple?" A cold laugh was heard as Li fan noticed two inner disciples walking towards his courtyard coldly.

One was skinny with a short sword, the other one was short but extremely bulky, his muscles bulged as he walked towards Li Fan almost as if trying to intimidate him.

"Can I help you?" Li Fan asked expressionlessly, he really didn't care what these two were on.

"Kid you must not know who rules this mountain peak, we are brother Bai's subordinates, we came to collect living fees" the skinny youth said as he grinned, almost as if he enjoyed this.

His eyes flashing with light as he gazed at Li Fan, almost as if he had spotted a new hidden treasure.

"Subordinates?, aren't you basically a lackey?" Li Fan asked with a ignorant expression, he was really excited that these two had came to trouble him, as long as he broke them into pieces who else would dare come?

"A-are you tired of living?" The bulky youth nearly yelled before being stopped.

"Senior brother, young master bai said to do this fast and quick, kid I'm sure you got a storage ring right?, yea hand it over" the skinny youth said coldly.

"Actually keep the ring, we just want the Qi gathering pills in it" The bulky youth snorted coldly before saying.


"Oh you want the pills?" Li Fan thought deeply.

"Yes, now stop bullshitting and hand them over" the skinny youth said as his anger was slowly rising.

"Fine here" Li Fan had thrown the Qi refining pills into his inventory before, he pulled out the glass porcelain bottle before tossing it to the two inner-disciples.

"That's what I expected, at least you know your place" The bulky inner-disciple said as he cracked his knuckles.

"T-the fuck is this?" The skinny youth caught the bottle, but his expression changed as he opened the wooden cap on it, there were no pills in here.

"Y-you, what happened to the pills?" He roared as he slammed the bottle onto the grass.

"I ate the pills already, they were mine to begin with" Li Fan smiled as he shrugged his shoulders he really didn't care.


The two inner-disciples were startled, no new inner-disciple dared to act this arrogant, but they really couldn't do anything to Li Fan, especially in broad daylight, along with the prying eyes of the sect guardian.

"Y-you just wait, young master bai will know about this" the skinny youth said coldly before walking away with the bulky youth, they seemed to be holding back all their nerves from exploding.

If they dared to beat up Li Fan right here it would be over for them, but they knew there were many ways to mess with Li Fan.

Li Fan didn't care much, he shook his head as he watched them walk away, those two were at least at the 7th stage, and Li Fan wasn't scared of them 1 bit.

The Qi refining realms were so weak to begin with that he could directly skip over stages to fight those in the higher generation, even so he had no confidence in competing with someone in the heavenly sea realm.

The heavenly sea realm was also known as the realm of dao seeking, only true geniuses were able to comprehend daos in the heavenly sea realm.


Before coming out Li Fan had checked on the rebirth beast egg, apparently before it hacked the system would send him a notification.

"Li Fan walked along the stone path, carrying the inner-sect manual as he closely followed the map.

The disciple mission boards was basically at the center of all the inner-disciple mountain peaks.

It was also the place where most inner-disciples were, mostly because there were many buildings, pills and cultivation resources sold by the sect, it was also a place to shop if you had enough contribution points or spirit stones.

Li fan hurried down the mountain path quickly, he was like a fleeting shadow as he quickly rushed down the mountain, leaving behind only a shadow.