Chapter Eighteen

I jump awake to a noise and so does Jack and I see I fell asleep in his lap and we look over and Eric says"sorry" I say"it's okay" he looks at me and he shows me his wolf eyes and I say"let's go to my favorite part of the house". We get up and Eric wakes Liam up and he follows and we get to the big empty room. I turn and run around. Eric turns also and runs around with me. I look at Jack and he's talking to Liam about something and I look at Eric and we both go and run towards them and Jack jumps out of the way and Liam turns and pins Eric and nuzzles his nose. I turn around and Jack smirks and I look at Eric and Liam and they get up and come behind me and Jack says" oh what can't take me on baby" and they stand down and I bolt at Jack and he jumps away and I jump and in midair I change back and grab him and pull us down and hit the ground my back hitting the ground and Jack says" baby are you okay" I say" never challenge me" and I kiss him. He kisses me back and he deepens the kiss and Eric coughs and we pull apart and Eric says" that was so cool guys". We get up and Jack checks my back while I say" thanks" and Jack says"baby you have bruises all over your back" I say" I'm fine" he says"okay" and he grabs me and says" next time let me fall" and I say"no who wants KFC". Eric and Liam says" I do" I say"okay I will go tell Christen". I walk outside and see Christen and I say" Christen" he turns around and walks up to me and says"yes sir"I say" here's my card can you go please get us KFC" he says" what do you want sir" I say" anything that will feed three grown men" and I laugh and he says"yes sir". He walks away and gets into the car. I walk back inside and Eric says" can we just go somewhere and just run until he gets back" Jack says"well we can go over to the wolf side" Eric says"please" I say"let's go". We all head outside and jump over and we land and turn. We all start running and I out run all of them and run past Magnus's house and I hear them all behind me and I turn around and run straight towards them and I see Eric and run towards him he stops and pounces and I move out of the way and he snarls at me and I ran away from him and he runs after me and we run past Magnus's house again and I stop letting Eric run past me and he stops and run towards me and I start running towards him and he jumps and I jump and we clash in midair. Both of our boyfriends come over and ask if we are both okay. We both say yes and walk by each other and we slowly make it back over and we turn back into our human forms and jump back over. We walk in and Christen says" sirs your food is on the table and here is your card". We say" thank you" and walk into the dining room and we all sit down. Eric says"Jack your birthday is tomorrow isn't it" Jack says"yeah" and I say" I can't wait" I kiss his cheek and grab his hand. Jack kisses my cheek and says" I love you" and I say" I love you too". We all start eating and I say"so on Monday we have our tests. Mine is at 6 am to 12 pm and his is 1 pm to 5 pm and then we will get our scores after 3 hours so I will have mine before him but I'm not looking until he gets his". Eric says" and if you pass" I say"then that's it we get our GED'S and are out of school and we don't have to worry about it anymore" Eric says" well we will have to find out ways to hang out" I say" and I will be going back to work" and Jack says" and Honey I was actually thinking of contacting the businesses and telling them I want to be more involved more if that's okay" I say"of course honey" I kiss him on the lips and say" I'm happy" Jack says" and that's the best thing and I'm happy also". I smile at him and he smiles at me too and we look away and continue eating. We finish eating Liam says" well we got to go I promised my dad that we will go out to dinner with him". Jack says" okay but you guys will come tomorrow for my birthday right" Eric says"of course". Jack says" thank you" Eric says"of course buddy". Everybody hugs and they leave. I say" I love you" Jack says" I love you too". He picks me up and says" because of you I will finally love my birthday" I say" I'm happy I can do that for you" he kisses me and I kiss back and he starts walking and I feel the couch on my back and I kiss him harder and he puts his hand under my shirt I gasp and pulls away and he says"sorry". I look at him and grab his hand and put it under my shirt and say" it's okay". He smiles and kisses me. I kiss back and put my hands in his hair and pull a little and he moves down to my neck and makes a hickey. He looks at me and says" thank you baby" He grabs my hand and puts my hand on his chest and I feel his heartbeat and he says" I love you so much". I get up and say" come with me" and we go to the bedroom and spend the rest of the day and night just in each other's embrace and just loving being with each other. I wake up the next day and slowly get out of bed and I rush downstairs and walk into the kitchen and I see Damien cooking. He says" Good Morning sir" I say" Good Morning" he says" I'm working on his birthday breakfast there's going to be everything and whatever you guys don't eat the staff and I eat". I say"awesome well I should get back up there then"Damien says" see you in a few" I say" see you". I get back to our room and I see him sleeping and I get into bed and cuddle and he says" I was wondering where you went to" he turns over and says" I love you"and I say" I love you too. Happy Birthday baby" he says" thank you" I say" you're welcome". I kiss the back of his neck and say"thank you" he says" what for baby" I say" dealing with me and being with me" he flips over toward me and says" baby today I'm so happy I have you" and I kiss him and he kisses me back and he gets on top of me and pecks my face and I giggle and say" I love you so much" he says" I love you too".His phone goes off and he says" It's Lucas and Ten wishing me a happy birthday" I say" okay let's go eat Damien is working on your birthday breakfast" he finishes texting and says"okay. They want to meet us at one and they will bring clothes over" I say"oooo okay". He says"I'm so excited for one" I say" I am too" and he says" let's go" I say"okay". We both get up and he grabs my hand and we go downstairs and we sit at the table and Damien and three other people come out and there's Waffles,Pancakes, and French Toast. He says" Happy Birthday Sir". He says" thank you for everything Damien" he says" you're welcome" and all the toppings come out and he says"please enjoy sir" I say"thank you Damien" he says"of course" he walks back into the kitchen and Jack says" well dig in" and he laughs. We both start eating. We spent a couple there talking more than eating. It's 11 am and he says"why don't we go shower and get ready" I say"okay" we go up and shower and get changed into comfy clothes and he grabs me and sits on the bed and puts me on his lap and he says" I love you baby" I kiss him and say" I love you too". He kisses me and I kiss back and he goes and gives me another hickey and I say"Can I?" and he says" Of course" he lifts his chin so I can get more access and I make a hickey and rub it and he groans and says" best birthday present" I say" well I have another one". I get off his lap and grab the painting and I say"here" and he grabs it and says"baby it's beautiful thank you" and he stands up and hooks to a thumbtack that was already on the wall. He walks over to me and picks me up and says"thank you baby" I say"do you like it" he says"like it? I love it" and spins me and says"you are amazing baby" and I say"thank you" I hug him and kiss the top of his head and he says" let's go wait for Lucas and Ten" I say"okay" and jump down and run down there and he follows and attacks me and we fall on the couch and Lucas says" I see that you are having a good birthday so far". We stand up and they both hand us outfits and say" go get dressed and then let's go party birthday boy". We say"okay"and we walk up the stairs and I'm in white and black shorts with a black t-shirt and he is in a white t-shirt with black and white pants and I say"we look amazing" he says"yeah we do. I have to go to the bathroom, meet me downstairs" I say" Okay I love you" I kiss him and head downstairs and Lucas says"you look awesome" and Ten says" yeah you do. Where's Jack" I say" he had to go to the bathroom and wanted me to come down here". They say"okay" I say" so where is the party" Ten says" it's a surprise for both of you" I say" aw come on" they say"no" and Jack says"ready?" and we say"yep" and Jack get's on his bike so I get on and Lucas and Ten say" we will see you there". Jack says" okay" and he drives off. We get to a turn and I see vines and flowers everywhere of all different colors on either side and petals around the bike we start up the hill and we see everybody there and there's lanterns and more flowers and vines.The flower colors make a rainbow everywhere with white flower petals everywhere and I say"this is beautiful". He parks the bike and I say"this is all for you" and he interlocks my hand and we walk past everybody and we walk up to an area where there's a rainbow and white arch and everybody gathers and I see Lucas and Ten walk up with boxes and a cooler. Jack says" baby" I look at him and say"yes" and he gets on one knee and I cover my mouth and he says" when I first met you I couldn't get you out of my head. I would sneak around just to be able to see you and when I knew you were a wolf I loved you more because I knew you wouldn't hate me and when I kissed you in the library I knew I couldn't live without you. So Zhao Zi will you make me the happiest vampire on earth and marry me" and he shows me a black,grey,and white band with black and white diamonds in it and I say" yes of course I will marry you" he slips the ring on my finger and kisses me and I hear whoos and claps all around us. We pull away and everybody comes and hugs us and Eric howls and all of us howl. We spend the rest of the day eating and talking and we get home and we get upstairs and I say" I love you fiance" he smiles and holds me and he says" I love you too". We change and go lay down. I kiss him and say" Zhao Bian" Jack says" that is music to my ears" I say" Jack Zi" he says"that sounds good too" I say"yeah but I want to take your last name". Jack comes closer to me and says" Goodnight husband" and I say" goodnight husband".