Bank Robbers

So, now here we are. Right at the beginning, the present. I woke up, and at first thought the whole thing was a dream. But, unfortunately, my back wasn't burning anymore, and that was kind-of a dead give away. With that thought, I hopped out of bed and ran to the mirror, simultaneously throwing my shirt off, and turned my back.

They were still there. The two tattoos are like wings. I sighed. For as long as I could remember, I've always wanted a tattoo, but not like this. Not with any strings attached. What I didn't know was why I had this… ability… in the first place. Who gave it to me? Why? I think that is the question in this mystery. By now, I had gotten over the shock of this power, and finally recognized it as a gift, but what was I supposed to do with it? Wait for another Fred-like creature to appear in my yard again?

No, I have a better idea. I will use it to stop all crimes and any more Fred's in my way. Only the monsters I would kill, and everyone else I will help. Quickly glancing at the clock on the nightstand.

Shoot, I almost forgot! Today was Saturday and I'd slept in. It was almost 2:00 in the afternoon. I rushed to get into my usual ensemble, feeling secure with the tank top back. The 'rash' was gone now, and I could pretend the tattoo was normal. It was , after all, a pretty cool design… I could pass this off easily.

In my fairy form, no one would recognize me, and if anyone did, no one would believe them if they told others. Today, I will become a savior for the people!

I walked to my window and opened it, crawled onto, and hopped down like I did last night with the monster here. There was no need to worry about my parents for they didn't care about me. Neither did my sister. I was pretty much a loner in this world, so like I just said, no need to worry. They wouldn't care where I was or what I did. Lastly, I repeated those words I said last night, having a feeling that told me if I did this, I would transform again.

"FIRELIGT LIVE!" I practically screamed it to the world.

Three seconds later, filled with power, I tested my wings. I rose into the air, and from there, I turned in the air. I could feel the warm flames on my wings flicker and shift with the breeze, like little dancing bodies. Shaking out of my fly-lust, I looked below me onto the ground below. I was about twenty feet up almost brushing the tree-tops. From left to right I gazed over the city, looking for somewhere that needed help. With a start, I realized that a non-descriptive black car was pulling into the bank parking lot, no license plate. Two figures dressed in black were pulling on ski masks and carrying empty bags. They apparently didn't notice me hovering above them, because they went inside. A moment later, I heard screaming. Immediately, I flew down and landed, my feet already caring me to the doors. I shook them, but they were locked from the inside. Frustrated, I yelled the words, "You stupid doors! UNLOCK!"

The door sprang open from the power behind that last word. I ran inside, then stopped suddenly. One figure was holding a gun in his hand, the point resting on the forehead of the bank accountant lady. Several other people were on the ground, hands on their heads, hoping to keep themselves protected. The other accountant lady was shoveling cash into the bags as quickly as possible. The second bank robber was making sure she was shoveling. Gun guy looked up as I entered.

"Hey girly, this is a bank robbery, not a Halloween party." Gun guys buddy snickered.

"We ain't gonna tell you twice, girly. Now, get out of here before ya get hurt."

I was getting really irritated at this guy. Who was he, to be bossing me around like that? He probably was a big faker who was super poor because of all the alcohol and cigarettes that coated his breath.

"My names not girly. It's…" I paused for a moment. I couldn't tell anyone my real name, or they could figure it out who I was and lock me up as some lab experiment or something. "It's Firelight, and you're not gonna get away with that cash." More words whispered to her mind, "Fire carrier!"

All of the cash that had been packed into the bags flew towards me, then softly rested at my feet. The men stared. Even more words were whispered. "Levitate!" The two men rose a couple feet off the grounds, suspended in mid-air. I didn't even need to listen to the whispered anymore. It was like I instinctively knew what to say.

"Bind, then return!" Ropes appeared out of nowhere and bound the men together, still floating in midair. The guns fell from their hands, and the men were lowered to the floor. At the same time, the money flew at the attendants and they caught it, still in shock. Finally, other things were beginning to enter my mind. One, everyone in the bank was staring at me in wonder. Two, police were beginning to enter the building. And three, one of the people in that building, police or pedestrian, was paying special attention to me, but I didn't know who. The police looked right to left, seemingly stunned that no one was hurt, the bad guys were disabled, and there was a girl dressed (or so they thought) like a fairy with a crowd of people in a circle around her staring, overjoyed. One guy stepped through the crowd. He was dressed in a police uniform, but more pulled together. Automatically I assumed he was head officer.

"Hello, miss. My name is Sargent Tom Berkeley. Now, will you please explain to me what this is all about, and why you're in that costume?"

He smiled 'understandably' at me, like I was some little kid, and that made me mad.

"Um, excuse me? I am standing in a circle of people who thank me from stopping the bad guys while you and your buddies over there were probably finishing you doughnuts. I just zapped their butts with some magic, with witnesses, and you come strolling in here, take one look at me, and automatically assume I'm a mental teenager in a costume? Well, you're wrong! So don't talk down to me, and have enough sense to check these people and have them tell you what happened. I don't wish to be treated like a child."

Man, this was pretty mean, but what was I supposed to do? I looked back at Sargent Berkeley, who was now glaring at me like I was an extra-terrestrial. Great; first I'm a retarded child, and now I'm an alien. What next? Maybe chopped liver. His voice shook me out of my head-babble.

"I'm sorry, but can you really blame me? I'm talking to a fairy, or so the other witnesses say."

I can't really blame him, for I thought the same thing once.

"Well, from now on, expect an ally in fighting for peace!" I started to walk away, my skirt swishing, when Sargent Berkeley called out, "What is your name?"

As I flew away, I called out, "Firelight."