New Powers


I started to glow in an aqua color, and another replaced my fire dress. This one had turquoise swathes of fabric that wrapped around my upper body. A light, flow version of the same fabric connected with the part over my upper body and flowed like a waterfall to my knees. Dark blue lines edged the dress and the whole thing began to shimmer. My feet were bare, and my hair fell straight, down my back. Then new wings came. They were the exact same size and shape as the fire ones, but were turquoise instead of inferno, and had dark blue accents instead of black. As an added bonus, instead of having flames dancing on them, water dripped off in small dew droplets, the color of crystal, creating what appeared to be a glimmer around me. Sleeves of the same light blue fabric wrapped around my arms. They stopped right under my shoulders and didn't connect to the dress. Then the transformation was complete (3 seconds long) and I admired myself for a moment before turning back to the griffin. This time, when it shot fire at me, I dodged easily, like water flowing. Then I fired my first water attack.

"Aqua sphere!"

A glowing blue sphere the size of a soccer ball formed in my hands. Inside the sphere, the other shade of blue swirled around in perfect harmony. I threw the ball at the griffin and it made an impact, throwing the beast to the ground. But it didn't stop there. An ocean's worth of water seemed to pour from the ball and ensnared the griffin. With a final burst, light was released, and the ball was no more. The griffin was gone too, probably disintegrated. I turned to the way and said, "Repair." And the wall went back to normal. Then my head really started to spin, and I collapsed. That aqua sphere was by far the most powerful attack I'd used yet. Then the cheering started.

A wave of students poured over from the bleachers and swarmed me, despite the teachers' protest. The football jocks reached me first and lifted me on their shoulders. I didn't even bother trying to drop the transformation. Brad was noticeably missing. The teachers forgot about the rest of the assembly, and we were dismissed from the stadium. For the rest of the hour, a bunch of students were hanging with me. They would touch my wings and ask me what it was like to have them and see if I felt anything. Then we toasted my ability to control water. We discovered that I could move water with my mind, and I could manipulate it into shapes. Then they brought out a bucket and filled it with water. I was supposed to dip my head in it to see if I could breath underwater. The test proved successful. I would inhale and exhale water, yet be perfectly fine. That's when the bell rang for us to go home, and that I did, but not before grabbing my bookbag. Halfway to the firehouse, I realized two things; one more monumental than the other. One, I already call the firehouse my 'home'. I do it automatically. Two, I had two transformations and each one modeled the elements. What I really questioned was if I had any more. There was water and fire, but what about the other two elements? Could there be other versions of me? There was one way to find out. I landed at the firehouse and ran inside looking for Garrett. I finally found him in the garage, washing the truck, but he hasn't seen me yet. I used my new powers to lift some of the water on the ground behind him up over his head, then let the magic fade. He sputtered, then turned around when he heard me laughing. He just smirked, then dropped it when he saw my newest look.

"What happened to you?"

I answered, "I got some new water powers."

Garrett frowned at that. Apparently, he was skeptical.

"The school was attacked today by a griffin. During the fight, I transformed into a water fairy as you can plainly see." I gestured at myself.

Garrett's frown disappeared only to be replaced by a bright smile. "So does this mean you're special, or is this normal?"

I replied, "We don't even know if any others like me exist! How are we supposed to know wither or not I'm normal?"

The smile stayed there, but the friendly look in his eyes was replaced by something else; something… curious.

"Garrett, why are you looking at me like that?"

"I want to try something."

With absolutely no warning, Garrett pulled me towards him and kissed me. After about a minute, I was released.

"What was THAT about?"

"Just as I thought…"

By this time, I was super confused. Garrett must've seen the confused look in my face, because he spoke.

"Well, as a fire fairy, you taste slightly spicy. But as a water fairy, you taste really refreshing, similar to how a waterfall might taste."

I grumbled. Apparently I tasted like water.

"Also, as a fire fairy, you smell like a campfire, but as a water fairy, you smell like morning dew."

And I also apparently smelled like dew.

"Don't take it the wrong way! I like it. It makes you even more special than you already are."

THAT certainly lifted my mood, and with that, we kissed again, and somewhere in that time I remembered to drop the transformation. A few minutes later we broke apart.

"So, can you do any of the other elements?"

"I don't know. Honestly, I had the Garrette question."

"Wanna find out?" Garrett wiggled his eyebrows at me.

"Uh, sure. When do we begin?"
