Today is Wednesday and I'm on my way to school. Things were way too better last week than this week and to make situations worst, seven girls were recently kidnapped and that too.. in my school. I had to compare myself to the kidnapped girls. I mean, I had to put myself in their shoes since I was in the same school as them and the possibility of me being kidnapped too...was high.
Wondering who I am? *Smirk*....
Let's get through my short profile.
My name is Jessy Fin and I'm seventeen years old and I'm in my final year in High School---*Yaay*
As I walked in the streets, I felt anxiousness lingering around me. Apparently, I was the only person in the streets. Luxurious cars were parked in line at both sides of the streets. Fortunately, the distance from my home to my school wasn't really long. I just had to walk for about five minutes to the bus station then I board a bus to school. My dad usually took me to school but I sometimes refused to let him send me to school like today. I'm a big girl anyway. That wasn't helping now because I felt uncomfortable walking in the streets alone. Thankfully, I reached the bus station. The crowd of people around me instilled in me a sense of security. I felt safe and relaxed. It was when I sat on the bus that I realized that I was sweating profusely which earned me few looks from the people around me. I wiped my forehead with my handkerchief and sighed in relief.
I headed to the chemistry class immediately I reached school. I sat at my usual position and occupied myself with watching my crush, Arvin Davillla who sat in front of me with his back towards me. I smiled unconsciously as I watched him. I suddenly remembered an incident that happened when I or we.. were in our freshman year. Nobody, probably could forget that incident. Maybe I was the only one who remembered it. My mind went into a flashback.
Our class,...We organized a beach party for ourselves. It was optional to go since it was a holiday. I decided not to go but Matilda insisted and insisted so I agreed to go. The girls wore bikini and the guys wore shorts. Thankfully, mine wasn't a sexualized bikini. I was only fifteen by then if you were wondering and I guess Arvin was sixteen.
I was standing alone minding my own business as I watched Matilda playing in the water. I looked around out of boredom and I caught sight of some grouped guys probably or obviously sophomores watching me with lust. Well, you wouldn't think only freshman students would attend a beach party. I covered myself with my arms and looked away which did no good. They were still staring as they talked among themselves and laughed. I frowned. This is definitely not okay. I decided to join Mati, maybe that would make them stop staring...but stupid me. I tried to ignore them as Mati and I splashed water on ourselves. Fuck. They had their eyes roaming my body especially my chest and ass. So far so good. I got more furious but complaining to someone would make me feel stupid and I couldn't confront them for sure. Fuck. The only crazy but available idea that popped in my head was to just get to the part of the water where only my head could be seen. I wasn't a good swimmer but I managed to walk through the water. I was so close to my goal but I decided to crane my neck and have a look at them. If they were still staring, then I'll go and face them. What I didn't know was that the current was coming towards me. Before I could look ahead of me, the current swept me.
I started shouting for help. I felt myself sinking slow. I was already in the water.....Well..that's it Mati..that's it everyone, mom and dad... I felt unconscious but before I could give up, strong arms held me.
I opened my eyes slightly to see myself under a coconut tree. I was on a clean mat and Matilda was kneeling beside me.
"What's up" I said weakly as I tried to sit up.
"I'm jealous of you" She had a small frown on her face and she was pouting. I widened my eyes in astonishment. I expected her to be worried about me. Hundred percent. How pathetic I am. She just shrugged at my expression.
"Guess how you came here?" I shook my head innocently. "Arvin brought you here" I widened my eyes again and she nodded whiles picking at her finger nails.
"He held you in his arms and brought you here then he put you here gently" She gestured as if she didn't want me to miss *a* detail. I blushed as she put on her annoying pout.
"Hey, but you really are lucky..every girl will die to be in your position now. I almost thought of drowning myself too" She whispered and pouted again. Noticing the shade of pink on my cheeks, she smirked.
"Ok, I'll leave now" She winked at me and left for her exploration. I was left to my own thoughts again and I decided to imagine me being in Arvin's arms in only a...
"JESSY, JESSY,.... JESSY!!!" Matilda called but I was so much engrossed in watching Arvin that I didn't hear her call...or maybe I just chose to ignore her. I choose the latter.