Monday, cloudy.
As soon as he stepped out in the morning, Qin Guanglin saw the gloomy sky, looking like rain was on the way, so he went back home to grab an umbrella before rushing to the company.
By the time he arrived downstairs at the company building, raindrops had already started to fall, and he felt a hint of relief inside.
Thank goodness the weekend had been two days of good weather, a real favor from the heavens.
Riding up the elevator, there was Sun Wen, still gnawing on his jianbing with an egg, a sight visible four out of the five workdays. It was a mystery why he was so fond of them.
"Yo, who's this?" Sun Wen's eyes lifted to see the transformed Qin Guanglin, and he immediately sported an exaggerated expression.
Qin Guanglin smiled proudly and flicked at his non-existent fringe... which was really just a swipe at his forehead, "Handsome or what?"