Indescribable flesh and blood

Late at night, in a secret room.

on the meditation seat.

gu nie sat down cross-legged and opened his hack system to check the miracle page.

[ fortuitous encounter: indescribable flesh and blood. ]

[ adventure content: upon reaching a designated location, you can obtain indescribable, terrifying flesh and blood. ] (note: eyes must be closed throughout the operation. do not stare at it. the indescribable flesh and blood must be collected in the system space.)

after looking at the strange encounter and thinking about it, gu nie fell into deep thought.

this 'indescribable flesh and blood' was a very peculiar fortuitous encounter.

the system had given him instructions that he had to be careful in both the process and the method.

from its name, it could be seen that it had obviously touched on some powerful curse meme and other mystical powers.

of course, even though it was dangerous, there was no doubt that there would be no problem if he followed the system.