Chapter 138-advancing by retreating

the venomous spirit snake was a 'contract creature' that was summoned according to a contract.

the existence of this venomous spirit snake meant that there was definitely a powerful 'contestant' nearby.

According to the level of the contract, these rank two venomous spirit snakes were low-rank contracted creatures.

The summoning contract he used was a 'beginner-level contract spell'.

However, there were also differences between the 'beginner-level contract incantation' and 'beginner-level contract incantation' for different extraordinary individuals.

Some contract Masters had low talent, low level contract incantations, and low sensitivity to other planes. he could only summon weak creatures like goblins and slimes. sometimes, he could only contract some young goblins that had not even reached level one, such as slime jellyballs, which had negative combat power.

there were also some highly talented, high-level, and highly sensitive contestants.