a miserable howl

deep duke castle.




the two tier 6 transcendents were locked in a fierce battle.

the two of them had no intention of fighting outside, nor did they intend to destroy the castle's hall.

each strike could cause the house to tremble slightly, but it was not enough to destroy the house.

The two battle-type powerhouses had obviously reached an extremely high level in their control of power.

At that moment, it was hard for betrael.

in the corner of the roof outside the castle, a fist-sized dark red flame was burning.

having been pulled back from the brink of death, betrael jumped from the fire in the house to the small fire outside the house, using the power of the fire to recover from his injuries.

the damage gu nie had done to it was simply too severe.

Even after a few minutes of recovery, he could only barely form his human form.

as for the ifrit form, it would be difficult to grasp it without a period of cultivation.