the injured human-faced flower king

"Hu ~~ Hu ~ Hu ~"

"hu ~~ hu ~ hu ~"

The panicking 'Talia' was fleeing at top speed.

While running away, talunli kept an eye on her back.

after making sure that the mysterious enemy was not chasing after her, talia quickly found a building that looked like an abandoned tower.

Using the human-faced Flower King's unique climbing ability, he entered the tower through the window without making a sound.

Talya, who was hiding in a corner, took out a grade one high-grade potion and drank it.

At this moment, Talia heaved a sigh of relief and gently removed his hand from his chest.

On his chest, there was a fist-sized tear-like wound, which was shocking to see.

As a newly-advanced Tier 4 human-faced Flower King, Talia's recovery ability was naturally excellent.

at this moment, however, shi feng had just drunk a bottle of advanced potion essence.

Originally, the wound should have healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.