chapter 149-flesh and blood

after quickly looting the tier 3 mage's storage bracelet, magic staff, and other rare items, gune poured a bottle of intermediate blue soul extinguishing water on the mage's body.

his robe had been completely torn to pieces by gu nie, so it didn't have much value, so he burned it with the dark blue soul extinguishing water.

Following the positions he had just observed, Gu nie was like a nimble cheetah, quickly groping his way through the house to the next prey.

A moment later, Gu nie easily found the second enemy through the wall.

in two rooms next to the window.

Two elementalists, a man and a woman, were working together to cast elemental spells at each other's hiding spots on the street.

among them, the man had released a violent fireball.

when gu nie came over, this man was the one who attacked him.

Gu nie quietly sneaked over and waited for another explosion outside.