the real illusion

Everything in front of him was rapidly twisting and spinning.

The entire world seemed to have become a huge vortex that was sucked into the deep sea.

the surging sea of blood was gradually getting further away.

The figures of the people in the battle, as well as the various spells flying in the air.

even the city of the sug ruins, which was shrouded in the night sky and blood, began to spin and distort.

the mist intertwined, as if everything was about to be torn apart by the vortex.

Gu nie was enveloped by the flower nightmare.

He could clearly see the violent ripples shining madly on the weapon spirit helmet on his head.

This was the scene of suffering a huge soul attack.

meyssa's soul attack was so fierce that even the weapon spirit's helmet had a slight crack.

at the same time, gu nie could feel the flower emperor's soul devouring and strangling him.