soul out of body

"Two cups of tears of blue." the half star witch beckoned to the bartender.

Soon, the young bartender served two blue mantés called " tears of blue.

For a large number of Extraordinaries who were not very strong, even if their bodies had been strengthened by the extraordinary sequence, they would still be strong.

If they drank too much alcohol, they would still get drunk, slow down their reactions, and even lose their memory.

but to gu nie, blood was the core of the core. it wasn't just the source of energy for his body, it was the core of the blood curse's power.

Under the constant cultivation and circulation of the level 6 blood pool.

Alcohol was something that could be easily broken down and absorbed.

"what do you want to ask?" The half-star witch asked as she picked up the tear of blue.

After taking a sip, Gu nie said,"How do we go to old Sam?"