Chapter 17 baster Johnson

When Marter Cole, the young man with short silver-gray hair, came to the wooden table, guni took out a small bag and a high-level contract scroll.

there are 50 gold pounds inside. gune shook the bag of gold pounds.

" if you sign this high-level contract scroll, the gold pounds will be yours. you will also become a member of the demonic whale adventurer team. "

" the contract is valid for three years. during the period of the contract, you must fulfill your duty to protect the magic whale and obey and execute the captain's orders. "

your monthly salary is 50 gold pounds.

if you participate in an adventure, there will be additional benefits.

you should know about the adventurer team. The basic salary compared to the income from the adventure might be higher than the annual salary.

this reward was indeed so generous that it made one's heart burn.