cthulhu's mysterious power

doomsday believer? A transcendent master?

the three of them trembled when they heard that.

if they were caught at the bottom of the sea, they would basically die.

They had all heard of the wicked God's believers 'cruel methods.

The bloody incidents that occurred on the continent and the ocean were almost all done by the believers of these evil gods.

This was especially true for the fanatical believers. They tortured and killed, devoured hearts, sacrificed heads, and used corpses and living people to refine some kind of evil spell. It was completely inhumane.

These fanatical believers could not be called human at all.

It could be said that they had been completely reduced to puppets of faith, tools of bloodthirst.

as for the believers of the wicked god who looked normal, their blood and souls were filled with a fanatical belief in the wicked god.