chapter 47 super expert

the silent and dark fog.

There was only the sound of the waves on the sea surface, nothing unusual.

gune's puppet strings had already reached the four yaksha fishmen.

one rank three and three rank two.

at the same time, there was a subtle undercurrent surging from the depths of the sea.

Gune could guess that a large group of Yaksha fishmen was approaching the ship.

He secretly controlled the puppet thread to quickly sink down.

At the same time, the puppet strings were shot toward the Yaksha fishmen.

The secret thread of a Level-5 high-level magic puppet followed the path of the world's profound meaning, so the Yaksha fishmen could not discover it at all.

In less than ten seconds, he had touched twenty-three Yaksha fishmen.

at this moment, the yaksha fishmen were less than fifty meters away from the sea demon ship.

"It's almost time to reel in the net."

With a thought, one of the puppet's Secret threads suddenly pulled.

"Huala" a sound.