The pot falls from the sky

After more than ten days of continuous investment of a large number of living creatures and extraordinary items, the number of people who had been killed was also very small.

the blood-red light enveloped the entire altar, forming a huge light ball with a diameter of fifteen to sixteen meters. the barrier of the light ball was two meters thick.

even from a great distance, gu nie could faintly smell the bloody stench and the terrifying power of the altar.

about two thousand meters away from the altar and the main hall of night reef island.

Gu nie was currently hiding on top of a steep cliff.

at this moment, gu nie had merged with his dark power upanishad and was perfectly hidden in the darkness.

gazing at the blood-red light on the altar, gu nie thought.

if the great elder of the Yaksha fishmen is allowed to enter the altar for the final sacrifice, I'm afraid a transcendent master will be born.