chapter 98-forbidden spell in hand

in a dark and quiet corner.

He used the route given by the system and the draconic incantation.

gu nie began the process of unlocking five stone wall seals.

these dragon language incantations were all given to him by the system, so he only needed to follow the instructions to open the stone door.

But gune wouldn't let go of such a good opportunity to learn a Dragon Spell.

As for the syllables of the draconic incantation and the detailed notes, Gu nie studied them in detail. After he was sure he had completely mastered them, he began to chant the incantation to open the stone door.

even the draconic incantation that the system had given him was deeply etched into his mind.

although gune's memory wasn't as good as the scholars "memory palace, which could record everything for eternity.

but after thinking it over and over again and explaining it in simple and profound ways, gu nie was able to completely memorize it.

After about three hours.