Arismede's Kingdom of the source of God

"Why do you think the Oya continent has such a strange place of trial that can give the star sequence and even a divine crown?"

When old man weird sea asked this, Gu nie couldn't help but be startled.

indeed, the many treasures that appeared in the elemental forbidden land were a little out of place with the oya continent itself.

Gune guessed that it was a trial site set up by a powerful force in the Oya continent.

They would select geniuses to enter, then nurture them, and finally give birth to powerhouses.

However, in fact, there had been many rumors about the elemental Forbidden Lands over the years.

however, there was no information on whether this was a selection and cultivation spot for some powerful genius.

gu nie couldn't help but doubt the accuracy of his guess.

"Senior, please tell me." gu nie said.

"because of yingluo."

Old man strange sea said slowly.