the dark side of the world

"Dark creatures and mutated creatures?" Gune looked at Mouland elkley.

"yes." muland elkley nodded slightly and slowly explained.

"our world is currently in the middle of the origin tide."

" and the origin tide is a very strange and rare phenomenon in the extraordinary starry sky. "

to be more specific, the source tide will appear in a certain area, and now our supernatural world has followed the 'origin star', which is the sun above our heads, and just so happened to break into this world.

" and this also allowed our extraordinary world to bloom with starlight that can be easily seen in the starry sky. this starlight is different from the origin star. "

" those extraordinaries with special abilities will know that this is an extraordinary world with life after seeing it through some means. "

"that's why those evil gods came."

as muland elkley explained, gugne listened to him in secret.

this was roughly the same as what strange sea old man had said.