A real deal

gu nie waved his hand and chuckled.

"everyone, there's no need to be so formal. after all, i asked you all to come here to make you rich together."


everyone's eyes lit up at gu nie's words.

The last time Gu nie had taken them out to sea, everyone had gained a lot.

This time, he directly came up and said that he would make everyone rich. No one would question it.

"How do you feel about this place?" Gu nie said.

" does this place mean that dreams don't affect reality, or that it can affect reality? " after some thought, jason horwell asked.

this place is a strange half-dream, half-reality level.

gu nie explained.

"For example, your combat techniques and the use of source power can be completely unobstructed in this world."

"At the same time, your cultivation will be effective in this world."

more importantly, the breakthrough in a battle can be the same as in reality.

gu nie had already confirmed this.