The mutation


The transcendent stone door opened.

A white-haired, dark-gold scholar's robe, mourande elkley, was waiting at the door. At the same time, his eyes were slightly sunken, as if he was thinking about something.

" professor mulland, is there something you need? " gu nie asked.

"gu nie, i'm really sorry to have disturbed your cultivation this time, but the matter this time is a bit serious." mouland elkley raised his head and looked at guni.

"oh?" Gu nie raised his eyebrows.

"what's the matter?"

After pondering for a while, mourande elkley spoke in a rather heavy tone.

there are some changes in the spatial origin passage at the world's border. Two important checkpoints have been broken through.

" a large number of mutated creatures have surged into the spatial source passage that is closer to the world level. "