Mechanical spaceship

" a metallic version of a mechanical life? "

gu nie squinted his eyes as he looked at the metal plate.

after carefully examining it, gu nie put it away.

then, he flipped his hand again, and another palm-sized metal plate appeared. it was made of the same material as the large life metal plate.

then, as if performing a magic trick.

he took out the twisted metal tube, broken metal glass, source power transmission line, and some other small metal parts.

The thing that this big guy devoured was not just a little bit or two. There was a large number of them, and they were all mottled and complicated.

It was as if it had swallowed the wreckage of a broken machine.

After inspecting the many parts, Gu NIE's brows furrowed.

then, he looked into the tunnel, which was the strange place that senior mouland had mentioned.