Becoming a master

"Hu ~~ Hu ~ Hu ~"

Gu nie let out a long breath.

gu nie smiled as he sensed the third layer of soul engravings on his soul source core.

gu nie had spent a lot of time and energy to complete the third level of soul secret engravings.

More importantly, the third level of soul sigils, including the first two levels, were constructed by the combination of the thick soul of a domain spell caster, extraordinary mana, and the body that had absorbed the flesh and blood of a ruler.

He did not use any rune profound meaning at all.

for the other extraordinaries who had been at the peak of the sixth step for a long time, it was basically difficult to condense the second level without using profound meaning.

gu nie, on the other hand, had used his own foundation to reach the third level.

a three-vein Soul Source core is already very rare. Furthermore, most of the geniuses in the major transcendent worlds have three-vein soul secret engravings.