the world anchor

As the Lord of nightmares.

gu nie needed to grow on his own, but he also needed to cultivate his own power.

For example, the dawn light origin race.

If they followed the ruler of nightmare, their clan would be able to rise to great heights.

If they betrayed the Lord of nightmares, they would be nothing.

only then would they be able to follow the lord of nightmare's orders without hesitation.

At this time, Gu nie used the name of the nightmare Lord to order them to do anything, and they would resolutely follow it.

when he became a saint, he could even command a group of gods to do things for him.

In fact, Gu nie had been thinking about something before he came.

that was to use the lord of nightmares 'order as an excuse to have sugra cadlez gather a large number of powerful beings at the divine sense ancestor soul level and descend on the oya continent through the teleportation array.