Chapter 46 I'm going for five-card stud!

In the blink of an eye, several days had passed.

In the betting area of the divine Kingdom arena.

on a machine screen that could search and even place bets.

Gu nie looked at the odds in front of him, his eyes narrowing.

[ gune lawrence, odds of victory: 8.4. ]

" sure enough, it's been manipulated by someone. the odds are 8.4. how much do you look down on me? "

"how is it?" Duo lansi craned his neck and looked over.

" tsk tsk tsk tsk, your odds are 8.4. your odds are a little shocking. you can say that the other side doesn't treat you as a human at all! " duo lansi laughed.

"Indeed," Gu nie nodded.

" it's a pity that there's no loan business. otherwise, i could have made hundreds of thousands of sacred source coins or even millions of sacred source coins. "

duo lan si looked at gu ni and pondered.

as for gu nie, he was searching through his mind for something else he could sell off.

he glanced at dolans.