chapter 64 conversation

Holy heijar.

In the divine Kingdom arena.

The battle between the two peak rank nine transcendents slowly came to an end.

this was a one-star battle in the level 9 arena. normally, there wouldn't be many people watching a battle of this level.

However, there were more than 100000 people watching this battle.

The reason why there were so many people watching this battle was because ...

It was because half a month ago, the level Seven transcendent who had disappeared for half a year, the genius who was said to have the strength of a seven-star, " guni Lawrence, " suddenly returned to the arena and began a crazy massacre.

half a year ago, gu nie had only been a late-stage level seven transcendent.

After half a year, guni Lawrence had reached the peak of the ninth rank.

It wasn't hard to guess that guni Lawrence had obviously used a powerful treasure to quickly improve his realm.

Many people believed that guni Lawrence was very strong at the seventh step.